Wednesday, December 28, 2011

let us be a gift and a joy to one another :)

what is really the joy of Christmas? JESUS is the answer for HE is the gift given to us by GOD our Father from up above who was sent by Him to redeem our sins...

what is or who is really the joy of Christmas?

is it the present under your tree
which is covered with sparkling
colorful paper filled with xmas glee
or is it the Christmas decorations
hanging on the malls at the store
that you visit frequently
what is really the spirit of this holiday
is it the camaraderie of relatives
in get together that we seldom see...

as i look around and ponder
the meaning of this yuletide season
i have an answer

the joy of Christmas is Jesus plus you and me
us all together in this world given a chance
one more year to be alive
to celebrate, to savor and to show our love
to extend our hands to one another
and never ever give up
for if all have departed around us
who is there left by our side?
only Jesus and those love ones
who always cared and whose hearts are truly for us :)
for those that truly loved us never leaves
never go and never forsakes us, right:?

Jesus is always the joy and the gift not only of the season but in everyday of our lives :)  above art, "the visit of the magi" is from the www, artist unknown... the feast of the 3 kings or the 3 wise men who visited Jesus and gave gifts to the wisest of them all will end the festive Christmas season until the earth will revolve again and will pass this same route at this time of year next year. this if you are a non believer of the Mayan calendar which ended mysteriously on 12-21-2012. maybe they just vanished or all of them died suddenly in a natural catastrophe that's why they weren't able to continue plotting their calendar? we really do not know for sure. yes, one theory is they did that purposely to signal the end of the world as we know it and all we have today are the ruins of their magnificent structures standing as a testament of their existence then... why on earth that their civilization just vanished like that and their buildings abandoned, only God knows... in spite of the much hype and doomsday prediction of next year... Happy New Year Everyone! i really do not think that this will be the last new year... again, thanks for your visit :) ... end of the year, the best time to end a blog as well? probably :) ...or to pause and to take stock of our lives ...(^&*)...