Saturday, August 14, 2010

music matters :)

as flowers matter, to me and in my life at my blog flower had come completely in full circle...the flower of joy because it's the bloom of celebration, like fireworks in july :)

like fireworks in july

here comes the middle of the year with all the trumpets in the air
here comes the door opening and the breeze coming in
fresh as a flowery scent softly dancing at your face
beckoning and waving to you saying pls. let me in

at the middle of the road as you stop and pause
what am i here for, where will i go forth
what were my dreams are, are they being fulfilled
show me the proof so i can have some hope

life is a roller coaster of joys and of gloom
life is a bundle of problems and of solutions
that after you've slept and being encouraged
you'd wake up bursting with energy, you're ready to sprint

like fireworks in july, as the sun rises in the sky
your brains light up with so much soaring ideas
that when bear to the test and line up to rest
there they are almost all complete

fireworks in july, that lights up the sky
is now on display you can watch if you can
come and be mesmerized, come and laugh
come and celebrate for life is a blast :)
the middle of july is like life on a run, half way through and let's give thanks to God that we're still alive for a lot are sadly is here today but it may be gone tomorrow, young or old alike...that may mean for you to stop to chase the stars? of course not...walk, ride, run...for the chase must continue to reach and catch that sky, i meant your lifelong goals, ambitions and the likes. and never ever let old age bothers you, never :> for ideas are being cooked anytime of year of your life :)
in search of perfection...

i can't even draw the flowers in my garden
i can't even sing the tune that i like
i can't even think of the time that you came
for you are a sham like a passing tide

i looked up at the moon one humid night
it's shape like a smile where my dreams reside
i told myself, one day you'll be in my house
a paradise of eve, smile and eternal light

but for now i'll keep you aside
until all the numbers will match and line up
now you're imperfect but tomorrow you'll be fine
like a rainbow of colors that'll make my life glow and dance :)