Saturday, August 28, 2010

the buck stops here...

there will always be the first time to feel the heat... when you have a head of a state, then you have somebody to blame about things that went sour in your part of the world. death even only one IF it could have been prevented? is too many esp. if your country will be a prime time news producer at CNN as well so therefore things that have gone awry is broadcasted all through out the whole universe, manned on unmanned. now here comes again the IF word. it should be vanished in the dictionary for it will just make you dream of things that can't or won't happen for these are just things dangling in your mind, like dancing possibilities which can or never will be a reality, so ergo a waste of your brain cells my friend. the best recourse is to admit that mistakes were made in handling this hostage situation and pay some compensation to the families after giving them a heartfelt sorry and apology. then MAKE SURE that it will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. it should be a hard lesson learned for the government and do whatever it takes to make sure that these lives did not die in is precious, sometimes it is taken away so that we might learn from it and made wiser...the buck stops here... and my guess is that  pres. noy is just as miserable as those families who will have to suffer the loss of their love ones for that is intense pain that won't go away forever. love lost is a chip or a part of us lost or gone and life will never ever be the same again. to these families we could only offer our prayers that God may lift them up in these hard and trying times...for God heals all our wounds as God renews our hearts every moment of every single day and all we have to do is trust and believe in Him :>