Thursday, November 26, 2009

CNN's Night for Heroes...

where the brightest light came from a Filipino, Efren Penaflorida. with his selfless dedication to educating poor kids starting on push carts filled with books. touching less fortunate children by bringing knowledge and education to them with the hopes of changing their lives and their future and helps them defy the odds and be a successful human being who could also be a hero to others eventually. one kind act can make a change. love and dedication to a cause can make a difference in someone else's life for the better. we salute our heroes and we honor them. kudos to all of you for a job well done. you are an inspiration to all of us. an example that we can look up to for the rest of our lives...:)

on this thanksgiving day...we give our heartfelt thanks to the heroes of our lives...our parents, our benefactors, our love ones...or anybody that had touched our lives and turned it around for the better...we thank you all :>

the pic above is the 2009 CNN's HERO of the year, Efren Penaflorida. you make the Filipino spirit in us soar with pride..."hero" sung and written by mariah carey...