Wednesday, November 4, 2009

beautiful scenes...

places where relaxation can be found...daintily hanging green branches of a tree over a lake, a unique and gently cascading waterfall, a sprinkle of refreshing mist from the sky. it is life as we see it everyday. it's like a song that is being played, a soulful serenade to our ears. like a beautiful scene that is caught by a camera lens or created by the gifted hands of an artist. priceless...

AGAIN, thanks to EVERYONE whose PICS and ARTS i've used here :) you've decorated this space tremendously. well, i would say to the positive :> i love you all, i can't thank you enough :) and yes, to my music selection as well, i know they suck, laughs, but as you know that ever long used excuse of's my blog, i can do whatever i want, laughs, make your own, or kindly leave if you are tortured for no one is preventing you to do if i have visitors here which i knew of no one actually and really, laughs, except for friends and family...but just in case one lost soul landed here. thanks to the artists as well who created these songs. yes, i bought them and want to share them to all. like these internet good stuffs out there that i've used here...they are out there for the purpose of being shared, right? or else make them PRIVATE pls...or don't post them at all! so you don't need to complain, laughs. oh well! but thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind generosity and unselfish heart for putting them out there for US, STRANGERS to enjoy. YOU have a HEART of gold and a heart like GOD's :> now you know how i feel :)