impatiens, one of my favorite annual plant. they come in different colors but pink and purples are my favorite. it's getting cold now so my plants are mostly gone except for these blooms and one or two here and there. yes, impatiens are impatiently blooming at this time late in the season :)
there is this financial crises sweeping wall street this week. it was termed by Allan Greenspan as the one in a century catasthropic disaster in financial terms second only to 9-11. a very sad thing. big investment mortgage banks are collapsing one by one due to record number of mortgage foreclosures. 10 million American homeowners are losing their homes due to unemployment, losing their jobs bec. big corporations are shipping their businesses out of the U.S. no jobs means no money to pay for their mortgages, just sad. they can twist it as they wanted to but that is the real reason, the real story of this economic meltdown here. so simple really and it is the truth. these big corporations here do not want to pay health insurance and don't want to be bothered with labor union headaches so they ship their businesses overseas. so when will it stop? when there is job creation. but every month there is a 75,000 loss of jobs here instead of gain. so even a second grader could figure that out. they put the blame on easy lending practices that people are buying houses that they can't afford. yeah, they can't for sure when they'll be out of job for that is a given. and it is only going to get worst when jobs are shipped overseas and more are on the way out. so pls. help him God, whoever will be elected the next president here comes November. Bill Clinton did a very good job then, this country was in prosperity mode then, yes, those were the happy days, gone now... John McCain is a maverick but can he do the job? and Obama is a democrat but lacking in experience. so i pray that whoever is the best for this country should win and I'll be anxiously waiting. it is a race like no other to the white house this time around. a lot is at stake. the future of all Americans, no matter what color, age, gender or race, is on the table. i hope and pray that no more continuation of the economic bleeding that this country had suffered enormously under this current administration. time to turn a new leaf...time to see a new beginning, where hope is alive and well again in this country...