Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Very Rare Spectacle, a Beauty of All Time

BEAUTY, this word where most women would like to be associated with. Either remade, recycled or natural, no one cares as long as they have it. Some will go even into the extreme of going under the knife spending considerable amount of financial assets just to look good and be their very best. Yeah, I know, can't blame these ladies. Who wouldn't want to be the center of every ones attention, right? But wrong. For outer physical beauty is merely skin deep, shallow and superficial to be exact, always remember that. You're hot? today? but God knows what will you be or how will you look like in the future, say in your golden years. Will you still look like a golden doll? :) Beauty fades, let's never ever forget that. But good CHARACTER will stay forever in any ones' mind. This is for the intelligent and I hope you're one of them, laughs. Just another intriguing thought, this I would like to believe. For the very few who happened to hop into this very humble journal of mine :) So ladies and gentlemen, you know where to put your bet is. It's defined on who you are really, in the premises of alike goes hand in hand, as in birds of the same feather flock together sort of. So, is it in the beautiful fake that won't last? or in the naturally born beautiful with inner beauty that is ageless and timeless? Your pick, laughs...The winner is... inner beauty of course which is that very rare spectacle for the soul and the spirit and of course for the eyes as well. The one that possesses that inner glow, that ultra genuine goodness and that extra gentle kindness of the human spirit. Ultimately at the end, it wins the past, the present and the future, simply put...and no one will ever wonder why...