Monday, October 21, 2013

somewhere in time...

the rolling waves never left a trace
the sand dunes are gone
the crabs are battered and tossed around
when will the hurricane stops

somewhere in time where calmer seas exist
peace is the norm as tranquility reign with ease
the sand paper trail left the wind paralyzed
now you can walk leaving your footprints behind

without the wind as your guide
without the breeze at your side
without the flying eagles up above
as you struggle to find meaning in life

the sun is so faraway, the moon makes a play
with borrowed light like life it beams
everything will have to end, everyone will say farewell
in just a matter of time when the end will begin

in the meantime pluck up your guitar
jazzed up your sax, slice up your violin
roll your drums out loud
for before we knew it, the sun is gone

never to return again, never a ray of light
never to heat up our land
now all we have left
are cold days and dark nights...

divine birth...

simple way, little breeze, the night was still
in a humble manger's cradle lay a little king
not made of golden carriage nor sparkling gems
the Lord of all came content to begin His reign
to free us all from sin, to lead us all to heaven
if we believe... joy will be here...

we say our prayer and thanksgiving to the most high. we celebrate His birth. and we move on with our daily lives with Him by our side. with Jesus the path is always right :)