Saturday, June 1, 2013

sunset of my native land

once a bright and sunny sky
now gone and hidden away
once a vibrant distant umbrella
now closed and can't be used

horizons of change
in every passing moment
like a breath of fresh air
now stale and can't be inhaled

glorious filled grandeur
a symphony galore
slowly easing away
moving out from your nose

swallowed by the dark
hugged by the night
the twinkling stars emerged
and the moon is smiling at us

changes in nature
changes in life
silent goodbyes
silent acceptance

because tomorrow
comes another sunrise
then another glorious sunset
will be in store for us...

i snapped this image with a canon camera inside a moving vehicle maybe traveling around 65 miles per hour en route back to manila from the province, one pinas vacation. i am always looking forward going to the province because of the loads of fresh air, lush greenery and the most beautiful beaches there :) this image makes me homesick more... there is this south korean oceana airliner a boeing 777 that crash landed in san francisco international airport recently killing 2 chinese teens and injuring lots of passengers. a survivable airplane crash but even then you feel sad for those involved. it must have been a horrific experience for all of them. we pray for their early recovery both mentally and physically. even how safe aviation is nowadays, accident happens... it's been a year since our pinas vacation. days just went so fast. there are things that makes you happy and one of them top in my list is my native land, then the beach, my family and friends. i do not have much friends, true friends that is for i can count my fingers, 10 of them and there are lots of vacancy, laughs. i will miss jeanna, my nurse co-worker who is moving to florida with her husband. she brought me a nice reddish-pinkish rosary from the vatican last fall from galleria aurora in rome. see, even i am not in rome yet, i have something that came from rome already, thanks jeanna :) every time i look at it, it makes me smile :> my happiness is very simple. i wonder if there is such thing as a blogging sunset, hmn...

the cupid shuffle dance, let's see it and have some fun. this dance is for everyone to participate, young or old, even done on special occasions ;>... in love or not...(^&*)... it is not perfect but it is fun just the same and i am only an spectator via you tube. now imagine if you are the one dancing it, laughs. do it for maybe cupid will stick around and shoot an arrow into the air aiming at you ;?