Sunday, May 12, 2013

whose glory is it for...

speaking of fun here is our president poking fun at the annual correspondent's dinner recently. very funny indeed :) true, whatever we do it should be a positive influence to those around us. whatever we do in life, in our career, in our hobbies, in our means of earning a living, that should impact our world. not in doing that because it is unusual. that task should make a change even only in a little way in other people's lives :) so you should not be venerated because you did it for yourself but you did it for others, other than yourself. and to those that look up after you because you are unusual then they and you should be in the same boat and would be a great partner in life, kudos! :) and the flower of happiness should be tulips second and powder puffs first for both are blooms that brighten even the most overcast days. i wish that i can cultivate a powder puff here but they thrive only in the tropics like in florida and the philippines... and one funny google search goes like this, "are limes unripe oranges?" that's very funny... limes are plain limes, like kalamansi are pure calamansi although it will turn yellow when ripe if i remember right and limes do not turn yellow when ripe. i tried to grow a bonsai lime, a bonsai banana but no luck, so i just gave up ;) and speaking of limes we have dayap in the province then which is similar to limes though bigger. we use it to squirt cooked shrimps if a kalamansi is not available... yum!

"Go home everyday, knowing you've touched some one's life"... in any form. in your career, in your hobby, in your travels, in your work... and that is life truly lived not for your own glory but for others :)

if you are given the power and the unique gift to be able to effect change that is an honor. that is very different from we change everyday for that is for ourselves. hope that the change in the health care delivery system here in the U.S. is a positive change for there are 2 opposing sides in a story as the truth is hidden somewhere. though at the end the truth will show its way :) for the good or otherwise... and if you serve and think of others you might just win a nobel peace prize like our president :)

According to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo, President Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples... so if your sights is giving glory to others, it's karmic. that glory will turn back to you. i think it's the hidden and invisible law that goes like this... what you give is what you get, fair enough :) like nurses do it because it's their job but people give them glory anyway, laughs. oh well. but really thank you from the bottom of our hearts :> i could have been anything else but God gave me this profession so it's my calling. so i am just doing what i am called for, truly :) and it's mother's day. i asked JC what will be my gift today and this boy said, "less stress from me" ;) okay, i'll take it! :) for less stress the better, i'll live till my 100's then, i hope and pray :)...