Thursday, June 7, 2012

life is a gift and a dose of the real...

the look and feel of life. it is vast and in billions if we count earth's population. the queen of England had just celebrated her diamond jubilee. 60 years at the throne. at first i thought why do we have to care. but seeing the happiness of her subjects she must have done right in spite of her very rare smile. she was known to be stingy of this free uplifting sign that we humans can dole out if we're happy and lucky and even those that are not but are positive in their outlook of life...the queen rarely smile they say but not during her 60th jubilee celebration for she was all smiles. 85 years old and 91 years old is the age of her husband. life lived to the fullest and i bet without regrets. so many of us are deprived and abandoned, unloved and unkempt. so many of us are tired and are wondering why so many were given the short end of the stick. life is not a bed of roses. life is a continuous struggle from dusk to dawn. some are lucky to break out of the mold but some are just not. life is what we make it to some but life is what is doled out to others as life is not a pleasant experience to a lot of us. we wonder why. we wonder if it is planned and we will never know the answer. like the mysteries that surround our lives, the mystery of what will tomorrow may bring. all we know is life is timed, life can be taken away at any moment and here we are acting like life will have no end, sounds very familiar...

here is Jesus painted by Steve Penley...the color used evens out the sadness depicted in this artwork. i love it :) for i am for the positive side of life... Jesus, we believe and trust in you :)