Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Atlantis is ending it soon and... is making the final voyage of the space shuttle program. launches are always spectacular as ever and nostalgic. it will be missed not only by me but by a lot i'm pretty sure. president obama talks to the crew of space shuttle Atlantis :) all good things in life must end so is the U.S. space shuttle program as we wait the final touch down and the last return of its shuttle, Atlantis, who is ending its spectacular voyage for the last time and its last rendezvous with the international space station above us...

endings are like periods and dots. some are happy, some are sad... endings though, we must have... to open new doors or new gates to a new life...

what's up and what's next? even our mom do not know when the first commercial flight to ferry space loving humans into the ISS, when that will happen...(^&*)...but in the meantime let's have a siesta :) i'll be back to post the return of atlantis for the last time and that's it? i wish i can really get a true break here, laughs.