Wednesday, December 28, 2011
let us be a gift and a joy to one another :)
what is really the joy of Christmas? JESUS is the answer for HE is the gift given to us by GOD our Father from up above who was sent by Him to redeem our sins...
what is or who is really the joy of Christmas?
is it the present under your tree
which is covered with sparkling
colorful paper filled with xmas glee
or is it the Christmas decorations
hanging on the malls at the store
that you visit frequently
what is really the spirit of this holiday
is it the camaraderie of relatives
in get together that we seldom see...
as i look around and ponder
the meaning of this yuletide season
i have an answer
the joy of Christmas is Jesus plus you and me
us all together in this world given a chance
one more year to be alive
to celebrate, to savor and to show our love
to extend our hands to one another
and never ever give up
for if all have departed around us
who is there left by our side?
only Jesus and those love ones
who always cared and whose hearts are truly for us :)
for those that truly loved us never leaves
never go and never forsakes us, right:?
Jesus is always the joy and the gift not only of the season but in everyday of our lives :) above art, "the visit of the magi" is from the www, artist unknown... the feast of the 3 kings or the 3 wise men who visited Jesus and gave gifts to the wisest of them all will end the festive Christmas season until the earth will revolve again and will pass this same route at this time of year next year. this if you are a non believer of the Mayan calendar which ended mysteriously on 12-21-2012. maybe they just vanished or all of them died suddenly in a natural catastrophe that's why they weren't able to continue plotting their calendar? we really do not know for sure. yes, one theory is they did that purposely to signal the end of the world as we know it and all we have today are the ruins of their magnificent structures standing as a testament of their existence then... why on earth that their civilization just vanished like that and their buildings abandoned, only God knows... in spite of the much hype and doomsday prediction of next year... Happy New Year Everyone! i really do not think that this will be the last new year... again, thanks for your visit :) ... end of the year, the best time to end a blog as well? probably :) ...or to pause and to take stock of our lives ...(^&*)...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
106 happy new years :)
the best new year i think is walking with your muse or lovey dovey in a beach, i read that somewhere and i definitely will have to agree :> there are so many beautiful beaches on planet earth and thanks to the travel channel i've seen loads but a purple beach is the number one love ...(^_~)... of course :)
106 years old stock broker talks shop... embedding is disabled so i do the linking... what must be his secret to longevity... and the answer is having to work everyday, seriously? laughs. but i agree :)
what is the meaning of goodbye
is it closing the door and opening a new one
is it break ups in relationships and divorces on the rise
or is it the long and slow rides to the cemetery
inside a cold casket bolted shot
what is the meaning of goodbye
is it turning a new leaf in a book of life
or entering a new dawn in a space less sky
is it a new winding road filled with bumps and highs
or a new endeavour filled with hopes and tries
it might be welcoming a new year
with the eagerness of a child
or it might be packing up our suitcases
to a destination in a beach paradise
whatever it is
goodbye is mostly sadness that the good had gone
goodbye is the step to new beginnings
rejuvenations, epiphanies, and renaissance
goodbye is we must have to seek the pleasantness of life
as goodbye is keeping up with the
tradition that the years are piling up
we move on with our only life
in each 100 years of sunset and sunrise
if we are lucky enough
and be very blessed
to be a century old
and be alive like this man :)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
may the blessings of christmas be with us all...
the holy family, somewhere in time... and yes it snowed last night, us waking up into a little snow fall maybe about an inch and that is a good omen or a sign of a lucky Christmas :) for here in the U.S. it doesn't feel like Christmas without snow... for them but for me the yule season is just a tinge of the cold at dawn where we could light a camp fire to warm our hands. that was the norm in the province when we were young, laughs, and i sorta miss that. my profession had prevented me for having a xmas vacation ever for the 2 weeks into xmas and into the new year is intentionally blocked for vacations, our sick needed us 24/7 after all and i really don't mind. but at some point there is a little sadness that you can't do whatever you wanna do on Jesus b-day. shall we call that a sacrifice ...(^&*)... for it happens a lot of times in my life really, not only at christmas time... Xmas music for your ears at 100.3, just click :)
another december, thanks to God :) lucky are those that are blessed in life like you and me. sharing our blessings is a must. i do, in every little ways that i can... as i think about my life, everything had lined up so God could extend His grace to me. i always thanked those that were made as instruments in the process. they touched my life as He sent them to me. i became what i am because of God's divine intervention and intercession using people that came into my life. the strange ways that God sends His love for us :)
above art, "the nativity" by mcnaughton... i thank you all for your visits. we've met here in cyberspace for a reason and i'd like to think that it is a divine reason :) pic by JC of me this past summer. and did you know that i am facing God's house while JC snapped this image :) we can live 100 years if we're lucky enough to be blessed by God. so it just makes sense to use every moment of our lives to spread our love to each other. it is tremendously hard sometimes but life is not easy as we've known for years...(^&*)... maybe it's time for a cyberspace rest, silence, pause or the likes... maybe... and did you know that pics are not that important to me at least, for you may have the most beautiful lips but the words that are coming out from your mouth make one's life like a living hell, ex. cursing which i never do ;) just be silent when you won't have some nice things to say not unless they are constructive criticisms which could be use in a positive way by the person you're addressing to, at least you're hoping so, but if not then you lose some but you win some some other times :) so guys and gals be careful with what is coming from your lips...
Friday, December 23, 2011
colorful nativity art :)
art by jame hayes. he must be a very young guy, just a guess :) and speaking of christmas gifts. i have 2 from God recently :) and i am sad and ashamed because my promised gift for Him always ends up in a bust. but this year it will be for real... no more illusions...
Antipolo by Mr. Fernando Amorsolo... hmn, see that hanging parol in the window of the house on the right? so this must be painted around christmas time by this great and beloved pinoy artist... this art made me smile :) for this church is always included as one of the bunches that we go and visit every pinas vacation... the drive overlooking rolling hills and the scenery is beautiful like what you see in trips to the province. very, very exhilarating and cool!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
how about music for christmas :)
elvis and company... plus others...
blue christmas is when you're not around
blue christmas is when i've lost you and you're gone
blue christmas is when you're not by my side
blue christmas is when the stars stopped to twinkle
and the sun had finally ceased to shine...
yes, very simple words but very meaningful and heart boring... one uplifting celebration recently is when our president attended the ceremonial program officially ending the war in Iraq. after more than 4,000 plus young soldiers dead and 50,000 wounded, there is finally a light shining at the end of the tunnel. at least no more young soldiers as war casualties in Iraq, no more empty chairs on noche buena nights, less families that are suffering and stressed, less sadness on Christmas time. i'll take that :) now if the war in Afghanistan will end, that is really the time to celebrate in a very big way. so please Jesus, make it soon as well. and let's pray for the victims of the recent calamity in the southern philippines and their families. may those who aided them with their big charitable hearts be blessed in their lifetime by God... nothing can ever beat service to our fellowmen in times of their need. if not by our own sweat then by our own generous contributions...
yeah, baby it's cold outside tho' no snow :)
posthumous sales of a john singer sargent's painting...
In December 2004, Group with Parasols (A Siesta) (1905) sold for $US 23.5 million, nearly double the Sotheby's estimate of $12 million. The previous highest price for a Sargent painting was $US 11 million.(From wikipedia)Portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson and his Wife sold in 2004 for $8.8 million to Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn to be installed at his newest casino, Wynn Las Vegas...
art is very expensive for sure. next, maybe i'll have a blogging siesta? i dunno, a big maybe :)
blue christmas is when you're not around
blue christmas is when i've lost you and you're gone
blue christmas is when you're not by my side
blue christmas is when the stars stopped to twinkle
and the sun had finally ceased to shine...
yes, very simple words but very meaningful and heart boring... one uplifting celebration recently is when our president attended the ceremonial program officially ending the war in Iraq. after more than 4,000 plus young soldiers dead and 50,000 wounded, there is finally a light shining at the end of the tunnel. at least no more young soldiers as war casualties in Iraq, no more empty chairs on noche buena nights, less families that are suffering and stressed, less sadness on Christmas time. i'll take that :) now if the war in Afghanistan will end, that is really the time to celebrate in a very big way. so please Jesus, make it soon as well. and let's pray for the victims of the recent calamity in the southern philippines and their families. may those who aided them with their big charitable hearts be blessed in their lifetime by God... nothing can ever beat service to our fellowmen in times of their need. if not by our own sweat then by our own generous contributions...
yeah, baby it's cold outside tho' no snow :)
posthumous sales of a john singer sargent's painting...
In December 2004, Group with Parasols (A Siesta) (1905) sold for $US 23.5 million, nearly double the Sotheby's estimate of $12 million. The previous highest price for a Sargent painting was $US 11 million.(From wikipedia)Portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson and his Wife sold in 2004 for $8.8 million to Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn to be installed at his newest casino, Wynn Las Vegas...
art is very expensive for sure. next, maybe i'll have a blogging siesta? i dunno, a big maybe :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
always we celebrate, like an evergreen...
"the nativity" made by an anonymous artist, thank you so much :) forever wallpaper, nothing could ever beat that :>... Jesus' b-day tops most of the celebrations on earth. it's the time for caring, giving and loving. time for true joy and rejoicing. time for get together and laughter :>...time for family and friends to spend time with each's just too bad that xmas just comes once a year...
in any given society oppression in any form like shipping jobs overseas for more profit at the expense of taking away the livelihoods of your countrymen is abhorable. at the end when your limits is pushed you do not have any other recourse but to voice out your frustrations in the form of a protest so the "occupy wall street" movement came about here. disgruntled people who lost their grip to the american dream. they are in the millions for corporate america moved their businesses out of the U.S. leaving millions to lose their jobs. without a job people can't pay the mortgages of their homes. bonding together they can go arm in arm and fight the greed that is prevalent amongst the wealthy here and hopefully can provoke change in a peaceful way...let's give them support and pray for their victory :)...they wait in patience out in the cold for justice and equality. while 50,000 U.S. manufacturing companies moved out and landed in china where there is boom in jobs and you see economic progress everywhere. i'm not against any progress but if the way to attain it is you are ruining lives, then that must be some kind of progress for your pocket only and we call that men might have forgotten that they can't take their cash with them when they die...
happiness, that elusive emotion for a lot of people now adays. just these occupy wall street protesters are great example. would you be happy if your job was shipped overseas, then you lose your home and now you're one homeless human being with your family living in the streets. 13 million americans are jobless and unemployed when 50,000 manufacturing companies moved to china in the past ten years. the american dream for them just vanished in a flash. where is the joy of xmas... it is nowhere. even at this time of year when winter is fast approaching i can see some homeless people huddled under overpasses. i just can't help but cry in silence. strange because i seem to suffer as well. maybe because we share the same human traits, the same humanity, the same skin that we feel pain which ever way it is rendered. my 20 dollar bill is not enough to alleviate their suffering. i wish i could do more and the sooner, the better...
lots of us try to catch happiness in the best ways that we know how. accumulation of ridiculous amount of wealth, buying a hummer, a Hermes bag, music, art and the list goes on and on. but what is really true happiness means? knowing that you've helped someone in need, the knowledge that someone truly cared, a genuine smile, a touch of a hand, a kind word, a clean heart, forgiveness, acceptance of what life has dealt us and making the most of what is given to us by God instead of the notion of what if i have this and that then i will be and now is to be happy. if you think of someone or somebody and you smiled then pass that smile along, make someone happy as well and fast it forward while we still can. tomorrow is not yet in our hands and who knows if it will be ours... no one knows the future, no one was promised tomorrow... no one...
and always please be kind to the old. your mother, your dad are old and you will get old too someday. it's just a matter of time. this if you're lucky enough to be given years as a gift by our almighty God :) for as we all know your life can be taken away at any time by God. it isn't yours to keep forever :) He gave more life to others and less to others. it's no use dishing our older folks for that is just a sign of lack of empathy or immaturity, in short ...(^&*)... nevertheless, it is true that we think less and less as we grow older and this behaviour is one sign of it... i have a favorite painting of an older man done by john singer sargent, 100 years ago :) i call it the beauty and the blessing of getting old :) yes, you get it it's a top art plus the beauty of the surroundings made it more a feast for the eyes and the soul. enjoy for we will all get there. the journey of life, your life and mine will travel into our older years... of course before we met our end which is six feet underground to some and turning into ashes for some as well. thanks to Mr. JSS for not discriminating to the love of our lives... our grandparents and older parents and our older relatives and friends :) Mr. JSS you certainly rock! plus thanks to the artist who did Mother Teresa, beautiful art :)
the golden years...
help is from my cane
eyes is from my glasses
love is from you
who never despise
and discriminate on us
thanks for that respect
thanks for that insight
and thanks for that art
we may have been gone
but others will speak for us...
old age is always a topic that younger ones use to step on their dads and their moms plus grandparents and the likes... just too bad that you will get old too, right? maybe you just forgot... so we forgive you :) it's Christmas soon after all ...(^_~)... a gift of understanding from your older folks, laughs. oh well... and we are measured by our thoughts and our responses to the challenges of our lives, let's always remember that :) did we pass or fail? that is the question. but the truth is no one cares except God, of course. God who watches what we do and God who knows what we think, always ...(^&*)... so let's not be naughty but nice :> ...
and that is the spruce tree aka the pine tree or Christ's tree :) we have lots of varieties of this tree...and do not record anything after your night shift for even your voice wants to sleep, laughs. oh well. and yes, the evergreen tree is true to its name, always an evergreen in any season of the year even in very cold winters. their leaves stay put forever :) would it be nice if love is just the same? but as we all know sadly it isn't ...(^&*)...
precious paintings...
wall paintings of the nativity and the visit of the magi at a catholic church in london, artist unknown. since the yuletide season is fast approaching. they needed some touch up work i think although without it, still they are amazing pieces of art...bravo! when can i ever see them in real time? laughs. i really wish :), i dunno, so many beautiful handiwork of the mind and of the imagination. some boggles the mind. some gives us headaches just interpreting them alone ;) it is a lot easier to write string of words in my opinion and less time. i could whip one in 5 minutes, no kidding. depending on what kind of weather i am facing. but i tell you what, it is easier to write about sad and lonely nights than smiles and merry go rounds. i'm not lonely for i'd like to believe that i always strive to be the happiest person that i could ever be with the predicament that i'm in. it's not bad don't get me wrong know we want more, like beaches and gardening all the time, laughs, plus helping someone every day of my life...these kind of things... so i just blog it away, my frustrations that is, laughs. oh well. tomorrow is another day, another dream, another illusion until the end... i'm sure there are much more fulfilling endeavours out there than blogging the meantime, let this typewriter ticks...(^&*)... until i'm in that comfort zone :) if i wasn't a nurse i wonder if i could be a writer like mr. andy rooney :? i will surely write about the truth even how painful that was to me, i do it here although with restrictions for the cyberspace is a playground where there are good apples and bad bananas, laughs, pls. pardon the pun ;) oh well, again. but one thing for sure writing is an exercise of the mind. use it or lose it, you know how that saying goes :>
waiting to experience the renovated atmosphere of the ninoy aquino international airport within 2012 :) God willing, of course. i think a billion peso project like this one could only be done smoothly on the name sakes son's tenure of presidency. less obstruction for the present government is all for it for one thing. i was thinking which of these 2 has a better outcome. a 6 year term in office without re-election, that's what it is in the philippines for its president. although here it is a 4 year term with re-election. which of these 2 is good for the country, that is the question. but there are so many variables. one is what type of personality does that president has. is his or her agenda is to serve the people or to serve his or her own pocket. it can be very hard to resist the temptation of accumulating so much wealth esp. if it is in your power. you alone hold the key to the coffers of your country. so ergo the best is the parliamentary form of government where there is a prime minister and a president. this way there is that checks and balances stuff that is harder for corruptions of public officials to occur. why does the philippines had resisted this type of running the government in the first place is beyond me. maybe because precisely the reason if it existed there will be less or no corruption. and as we all know corruption is the big hindrance to progress. the main reason why the philippines is lagging behind its neighbors in development. let it begin with the airport but it should spread out to the country as a whole so that this beautiful place could prosper and won't be labeled as a third world country forever which is kinda sad...yes, i'm blogging again, laughs. with this issue it's hard not to give my 5 cents' take :) it is a country close to my heart and i want it to be uplifted, i want it to advance, i want it to reach to the "top of the world" like that song ...(^&*)... it's long time coming or it will never come at all. why progress can be sooo elusive in the philippines, not only me but i'm pretty sure a lot who are exposed to the amenities of a first rated world or most advanced countries on earth, in our lives we wonder about that all the time... we want change for our country. we pray and we want it soon... God could you please do that for us? :> ... pls. add that to our wishes and wants :)
finally justice for michael jackson... the verdict is in and the 12 jurors found him, his MD, guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of the king of pop. you would think that michael with all the financial means that he had could have obtained the best medical advice, the best medical care in the world but on the contrary he had gotten the worst and paid for his life. gone too soon, one of his songs, very appropriately at that in hind sight. i was an operating room nurse in the philippines and anesthetics are meds that are only dispensed in a hospital setting, never in a bedside or in a home where there are no monitoring or resuscitative equipment present and no additional health care personnel to monitor the patient's vital signs and progress while under the influence of these kind of drugs. ignorance in this case is not really bliss. the lesson here guys and gals is not to take any medications not unless you have to. i don't and i am a nurse. i understand their healing powers or effects but at the same time i'm fully aware or understands the side effects that these medications have that could potentially wreck havoc to human lives. addiction is for one. we all know this in familiarity for lots of young folks think that these recreational drugs are harmless and helpful for them but the truth is far from that. drugs destroy lives, that is a fact. taking drugs will cause death after making these addicted individuals to lose their minds, their future, their grip on reality and a happy life plus causing tremendous stress and problems to their families and love ones. if you are hooked on drugs please seek help immediately before it's too late. acknowledge and admit that you are a user. most people are accepting and have respect to those that have problems and dare to change their lives for the better. we are all humans, we are not perfect. we have love for our brothers and sisters in Christ who had fallen prey to this habit. we understand that one precious life saved is one too many. stop the use, say no to drugs from now on please if you care for your love ones. do it for them if not for your own self. free yourself from this bondage. ask for divine help and intervention and make this as a sacrifice for Jesus. a birthday gift for Him if you will :) so what are you waiting for? do it for Jesus...
and back to the michael jackson case... dr. conrad murray is a cardiologist. he should not have taken the job to be this late singer's personal physician even if the monthly salary of 150,000 USD per month is very tempting for that is a one year MD salary here :) and what was very funny was during the trial the 4 girl friends of this playboy MD, he has a wife mind you, all the 4 GF's were called to testify, not one GF but four, laughs. terrible! that was the fun part. looking and hearing these ladies and i'm sure in your face revelation that they are all being played upon one by one and at the same time. what a bummer of a guy, MD pa ha, laughs. oh well. so what can you expect. a caring physician, yes, for these multiple ladies but not certainly for the late demise singer. what a sad story, really...and they say that he might have to serve 4 years in prison time but it could be just around 2 years in jail for there are ways to serve his sentence in a very limited time. though he might lose his license to practice medicine, yeah, right in the U.S. siguro but he might be able to in other places outside of the U.S. diba, who knows...i know i am not kind to people like dr. murray, my sungay is being forced to come out, laughs. but can you blame me? a murderer and a womanizer, a sexual predator of ladies. poor women who fall for this kind of man...
andy rooney, i truly admire this writer :)
dead at age 92, but michael jackson was only 50 when he died...42 years difference of living. that is a lot of time on earth that the talented singer and dancer was deprived of. but God called for his borrowed life to be returned...
if a writer is given the rare chance or opportunity to write what ever is in his mind and he writes about the is lucky in life indeed like andy rooney, plus living for 92 years, he was blessed :) RIP mr rooney. your words are true, that i gave it to you :)
here and there at christmas time...
wow, how sad naman if your BF or hubby is gay in truth. now the hard part is to let go. if we truly love someone we will give them their happiness even if that meant letting go. life is but once, so it doesn't make sense to live miserably, my take. not unless there are reasons beyond your control, sacrifice and it is in there that you'll find happiness, not the best happiness but it is happiness in the heart just the same although with a tinge of loneliness. i'll take that :)
when freedom fly, it speaks, so therefore...
a victim no more...
a whiff of wind had once gathered in my front lawn
perfumy sweet scent of the hyacinth in spring
and the fading roses at fall
i was taken, hypnotized and caught in a cage
where it seemed an eternity, the night is too long
and all the stars are drawn
the nights had turned into dizzying days
as i was in a desert where water had left
the sand dunes are so hot, my feet can't breath
prisoner of the wild, tamed by the skies
when rain had dripped, the sky had opened up
releasing my chains from the dark and balmy nights
free at last to move on with the rain
i know somewhere there should be a river raging in
where i could paddle in life with my makeshift wind
navigating the mountains and the oceans so far
my hands were able to row past and over the tide
as i reached the shore the beach is now in sight
welcoming me are the trees that are swaying light
the breeze is so sweet and the air is so calm
a new year indeed, now comes a new shining path
freedom is great when your bondage is gone
relief is now what you see in your heart
dragging you into that forever shining light
as God is good and always, He's at our side :)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
music certainly is a language of life...
for the so called young...
and the so called young at heart :)
and for us who love music but can't sing...(^&*)... music is an outlet, a form of expression, a message carrier :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
you light up my life by newell oler...
when others had turned away
here you are
when a message is sent
you've always answered back
a connection
that can't be broken
a string of care
that's always there
you've never ignored
you've always stopped
to give an advice
a drop of your love
you'll never be forgotten
you'll never be set aside
you might never know
but you're in a pedestal
you're always looked up
like that far away sky
where the sun lives
and the stars shine...
thanks to you is not enough but God will fill up the remaining empty spot... Merry Christmas to you and to us all...
here you are
when a message is sent
you've always answered back
a connection
that can't be broken
a string of care
that's always there
you've never ignored
you've always stopped
to give an advice
a drop of your love
you'll never be forgotten
you'll never be set aside
you might never know
but you're in a pedestal
you're always looked up
like that far away sky
where the sun lives
and the stars shine...
thanks to you is not enough but God will fill up the remaining empty spot... Merry Christmas to you and to us all...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
the exquisite and exceptional beauty of autumn
when all the blooms of summer are spent, here comes glorious fall. what beauty there is in the passing of the leaves. like the last gasp of a great symphony. the ending of a music so mesmerizing, spell binding and inspiring. you would think than in goodbyes there is sadness but here you could be at awe in this wonderful notes, yes, for it is like a song only brought about by nature because of its jaw dropping and magical display of colors as it compares to melodies written that you can never forget in your mind. fall is never been so lovely at this time of year. one would want to walk and savor the time, the loneliness of the passing of the season and of time. sad in a way but great on the other hand for nature has a very unique way to entertain us. tourists come to see this magic on earth. lovers stroll hand in hand in these roads as if there's no tomorrow or no one around except them. yes, there is love even in goodbyes, of the leaves, that is...pls. click image for a much bigger view and thanks to the owner of this pic for sharing. it's truly great and grand :) as if he or she will be reading this but thanks just the same...
the leaves have all fallen now
i met you at spring
when the willow leaves
are dripping close
to the green grasses' bed
now summer is over
the sun has bid its farewell
as the leaves roll to the ground
and melt with the brown lifeless earth
white and snowy house
will soon become us
left cold in the dark as the
laughter and smiles are gone
the leaves are down
who once swayed with the wind
at those far distant branch
now i see sticks and barks a sore in the eyes
where has the green canopy
that covered me against
the heat of the sun
now i just see the dark blue sky
an endless abyss like
unreachable and far distant hands
as time toiled
the bell stopped
the music has ended
precious silence at last...
imaginary silence that is because as they say, like life, the music must go on...
when the willow leaves
are dripping close
to the green grasses' bed
now summer is over
the sun has bid its farewell
as the leaves roll to the ground
and melt with the brown lifeless earth
white and snowy house
will soon become us
left cold in the dark as the
laughter and smiles are gone
the leaves are down
who once swayed with the wind
at those far distant branch
now i see sticks and barks a sore in the eyes
where has the green canopy
that covered me against
the heat of the sun
now i just see the dark blue sky
an endless abyss like
unreachable and far distant hands
as time toiled
the bell stopped
the music has ended
precious silence at last...
imaginary silence that is because as they say, like life, the music must go on...
gone with the wind...
the sky had closed and now it's dark
the rain had saturated, the cloud is giving up
tears streaming free for all of us to see
as sunken souls had bathed
and washed them into white
the blue yonder is beyond our grasp
limitless miles across nowhere to stop
just kept on going with our flight
in search of wonder, of miracles
that elusive light
gone with the wind with sails of cloth
torn by the hurricane now it can never be worn
a ship floating at the sea of life
lost without a guide swallowed
by the salty water so warm
hands now free to wade
wings now flapping with mirth
the plan was laid awhile
victory is here at last
a win, one for the heart of God :)
the sacrifices for Christmas that we have chosen to make...happy b-day Jesus, soon :) let's all give our Lord a worthy present, shall we? ...i already did :>
a beach is an untamed paradise...
for there are more other
morning glories to open up
as another day comes
as another dew drops
on that fragile sand
these dried withered leaves
now again starts to shine
as lonely hearts
begin to find a new petal
another sweet flower
that honey lace coated
apple sugar pie without a spike
but loaded with honey crumbs :)
calm is the sea...
the waves are as gentle
as the soft touch of a hand
the sky is as quiet
as that bright November sky
the forest is beaming
with golden grasses swaying light
the sand is filled with muted
morning glories facing the sitting sun
i thought there is no paradise on earth
i thought there is no sweet scent
of the angels roaming with mirth
i was wrong for here it is
a garden of Eden only surrounded
with peaceful water that you can play with
who said that inner peace is hard to get
who said that quiet moments
in rarity do not exist
here it is gloriously in my face
here it is and it is free
i can get it at my brother's beach
i look forward spending
more quiet time and space
i look forward walking
in solitude at your sand
i look forward counting rainbows
at that far distant sky
as your fresh warm air
gently caresses my tired hands
as the waves of this eternal water paradise
sing and envelope my tired heart
i look forward and i'll be thinking of that
as everyday of my life slowly passes by
i look forward with hopes and wishes
that it won't take too much time
for i'm ready to spend years
and enjoy the blessed breeze
and to play under the warmth
of the healing and abundant sun
i am ready to say goodbye to the past
i am ready to welcome the peaceful blue ocean
soon and forever it should last
i am ready to skip so much rainy days and cold drafts
brought by times when the sun is out of sight...
beautiful beach, you got me :) this place is where you can feel the sweetest, the most gentle and the most refreshing breeze ever, a paradise in the true sense of that word...i am looking forward for another visit :) i can now imagine myself sitting on the sand and just looking up intently at that far distant sky. nature is so beautiful plus it's totally free...nature heals and nurtures our battered spirits. as nature rejuvenates us it makes us whole again to face the gruelling task of living, loving, liking, remembering and etc...
the best part of this beach is it is owned by my brod. pics taken november, '09 :) is rugged for the beach still needs to be cleaned and have those rocks gathered so the soft sand would just remain. in nasugbu, batangas at my benefactor's beach house, the waves are moderately loud. in patar, the waves are mildly loud. but here the waves are silent most of the time. i dunno if that is good or bad...and yes, there is a canadian guy with that satellite TV tucked on top of his house nearby, a neighbor actually. even foreigners love our beaches and hopefully our country as well. it is not as developed or as modern countries are but the people, the breeze, the surroundings are as pure as a child's heart...
and i am very happy that ms. nora aunor had decided to quit smoking and had agreed to help in the campaign against it. way to go nora :> and if i may add this habit of hers might have contributed for her respiratory problems that those cosmetic MD's in Japan might have encountered in her facial cosmetic surgery and therefore they were forced to perform a tracheotomy in her neck to make an opening to help her breath most likely...the result of the facial cosmetic enhancement is so amazing so maybe she would like to endorse this clinic in spite of what she suffered, just a thought...
gone with the wind...
it's a pre-thanksgiving day movie marathon of the classics and "gone with the wind" was on last night around midnight. prior to that was a clark gable movie where i happened to point the remote accidentally, laughs and i thought about "gone with the wind" because i knew clark gable is the starrer as the handsome Rhett Butler ...i wondered what is that movie is really all about and how i wish i could watch it. and you know what? lo and behold without my prior knowledge "gone with the wind" is the next movie to that clark gable starrer which my wandering remote had pointed me to. and that bare dark tree is very foreboding for i just saw that bare black tree somewhere just recently, hmn... so any how what a convenient coincidence which in my life i have plenty, no kidding...(^&*)...
the movie was sooo long, it was almost 4 hrs. so i ended up sleeping at 5am. thanks that it's a holiday and i am off :) that movie had turned me back in time. when life is very different for those people in that era then. like a time machine sort of. the first major movie in color, imagine that. it was truly superb. now i know why that movie is phenomenal. aside from Rhett's very popular quote of "frankly my dear, i don't give a damn" laughs. oh well. what a phrase of simply saying "i don't care" a very loud way... sad, for that was the ending of that movie as clark gable left scarlett o'hara, closing the door behind him offering a divorce to her for her freedom but scarlett was left standing alone vowing to win him back. so we really don't know what happened next in the saga of that very popular movie classic...did they made up or what, laughs. so it was left to our imagination ;) but that is how fiction works, like metaphors. you imagine stuffs, like in a write up you draw a gazillion of conclusions, same as in paintings. but the truth is, reality or truth do not need metaphors. lies are hidden in metaphors, that's why they exist...(^&*)...
JSS's art, thistles & trees and plus...
gardens, grasses and flowers :) most of the time an artist's work defines him or her not unless they're faking it, laughs. but in JSS's case, he is not defined by his art for he was an all around painter. portraits, landscapes, seascapes and plus complete his masterful pieces. it is very straight forward for what you see is what you get. while other artists like to run around in circles and that confuses us. maybe because of their inability to capture reality in their brushes. but don't despair for i can not even draw a flower, laughs. well one thing for sure, art is an expression of what is in the mind being let go in freedom by the hands. John Singer Sargent is one memorable painter for he had captured most of everything in our world then, ourselves, his own self, our beautiful planet earth and its residents. now that is what we call a genius in the true sense of that word :) visit his works here: his virtual art gallery, and his complete work of art... thanks Mr. JSS for showing us that art entertains, art inspires and art is our life in general captured by your magic brush :>
thistles, the flower symbolizing the crown of Jesus... Millet's garden, i wonder who is millet in JSS's life, laughs... thou shall not steal, one of the 10 commandments of God :) and the beautiful light inside these jars, maybe because fireflies are inside? kids, lilies and roses. what a beautiful sight diba, bravo! even non artistic people like me is really moved and mesmerized. how i wished that this painter should never have died. imagine those art that he could have done, sayang. but his time was up like everyone else. one must let go and so am i. i really do love and admire Mr. JSS :) hope that his talent is replicated by an artist who visits his site. now that will be quite a feat. imitation is the best form of flattery as it has been said before... and i completely agree :)
with these amaze balls of art i could end my blog as well. a dead master painter with enormous talent. his works could put a period on my online journal. if ever i don't mind. life goes on and on and on. we carry our crosses like thistles at summer time. we swim the tide of life in its ebb and flow. we move on with our lives as we thank God for all the people that we've meet who inspired us, helped us to be what we are today, not discarding those who did not for they too had taught us precious lessons in life only on the reverse, of not to imitate their examples, of not to follow on their footsteps, of not to be on their dark shadows. life is a journey after all with roads to navigate and we have plenty of it. tomorrow is another day, another road to drive... if God will allow us to be on the road again :) thanks all for your visits, it is truly appreciated, enjoy the holidays :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
john singer sargent's art, the land of Jesus...
...where peace is like a barren or dry well... paintings of Jerusalem, the Hills of Galilee and Palestine ...inspirations of my future travel plans ...these great created images are superb things to end a blog, i was just thinking...if ever...thanks Mr. JSS :)
somewhere in time
a place has been captured
and plastered in a canvas
somewhere in time
a place has been forever
painted and etched
to be viewed and scrutinized
long after the artist is gone
somewhere in time
like we all lived in a space
together lumped in a time shell
as we played we each other
until we slowly blew our kisses
for the years had moved along
and the clouds had drifted
away in our own skies
somewhere in time...
let's all put out some effort to have the most joyous and the merriest Christmas ever next month and the best and the brightest New Year ever for 2012. how? simply give love...(^_~)...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
one very talented actress plus the great maks :)
the beauty of the tango. maybe my brod and me could whip one up:? JC do not want to, laughs. i will have to convince my brod real hard. he sings and dances, that i remember, laughs. kirstie, age 60 and maks i think he is 31. yes, guys and gals age is just a number in dance and sometimes in love as well, i think :> but only if it's true love...(^&*)... which is far and in between. for lovers and their muses do break up and before long there is or there are replacements already, laughs. oh well. so true love is just a figment of the imagination, right:? no? let's wait for the kurcher's marriage to end. i think it will, only in just a matter of time. there should be consequences to bad behaviour, laughs. or love is blind? or maybe ashton was under the influence of too much booze? we'll never know. i wonder if age really do matter in love. a dra. and her present young love seemed to have navigated some rough weather. imagine that bad behaviour of her love, that is just too hot to handle, laughs. life is really full of fun and problems esp. in the kingdom of love. i'm sure most of you will agree :) but hey, even if it's fake or even if it did not last long, as they say, it's better to have loved than to not have loved at all. only thing is that love is just an illusion when it was discovered at its end. ergo, like life, love sadly will have its end...if it's not true, my take :>
Monday, October 10, 2011
musikang hindi kumukupas, bulaklak na walang katulad...
my own sampaguita bloom on top a few summers back and a semi-look alike one i took at the sides of Paco church, beautiful. sampaguitas are flowers that are different from the rest. with its exotic and intoxicating perfume similar to rosals and ilang-ilang. these flowers are just wonderful, for the eyes and for the nose :)
there are so many beautiful things in this world. flowers, music to name two. this blog is just one dust in the wind, one tiny speck of sand in a beach, one blade of can't contain all these wonderful gifts that God had given us to enjoy while we can, while we are still alive. for fact is no one can predict the future of our lives. we're here today but gone tomorrow. we laugh today but we might have a sorrowful tomorrow. same as we smile today but we might not tomorrow. so what are we humans suppose to do? color our lives as much as we can, as often as we can, as fast as we can. for we never know what tomorrow may bring, young and old alike. that's the beauty of life :) everyone is fair game, life as death is a great equalizer. in rich and poor humans it comes at any moment mostly without our knowledge. if God says, it's your time to return your borrowed life, you must. old or young no exception :) you think that you are young today then you are a winner. but those older than you had won for God had granted them years already. and YOU? it's still hanging in the air for you do not know for sure if you'll live tomorrow...just a thought :)...let's pray for a more colorful tomorrows then. that's all we could do actually for we all are at the mercy of one powerful force. you think if all human kind can put this in its brain, everyone will be kinder, everyone will only have love for each other. but the sad part is our intelligence forgot to inform us that life is fleeting, life is short as life is timed...
this is the man who played the classical sampaguita music with that great AMORSOLO painting in my previous entry which i've never seen before, the painting of a church with those high steps and some vendors below and a family with an umbrella at the bottom with that colorful blooming tree above. yes! i'd like to have it and i'll just settle for a reproduction or print for i don't have the millions to buy it, laughs.
bulaklak na walang kaparis sa halimuyak, that is what a sampaguita is :) but the best memory of this flower for me is when the late husband of my virgin mary look alike spanish benefactor picks them in their garden and puts them in their altar...nothing tops that yet :> ...
i'm in search for quite awhile now on how best to end a blog. what i discovered is life like a blog moves on as morning comes. and maybe when it happens it'll just happen. as when a song ends it could be played again and again until you get bored and time to tune in to a new song. a new tune as you continually search for life's purpose, your own life's purpose and meaning that is. when a door closes, the past goes with. it's time to welcome a new rising sun, a new day. a new path that hopefully will bring fulfillment, happiness and contentment in our lives...
music is truly magic especially when it's free :)
yup, memories are like flowers. they bloom in your mind every time you remember them...JC and me went to the ARTS, EATS and BEATS labor day festival in Royal Oak which is just about around 3 miles away from our house. we went last Friday and the weather was sweltering hot at 95 degrees but we went back again today, Monday, labor day here and the weather is like sooo cold that we have to wear our jackets. what a change of weather in just a very short period of time which is a typical Michigan weather :) but any who there are plenty of bands to entertain people more than 100 who played in this 4 day labor day weekend festival, one of the best festivals here in the USA which is being sponsored by big time corporations like banks and car companies. it was really a blast. lots of people, great food, loads of merchandises plus exhilarating music...I'm just gonna post a video of one for I'm tired, laughs.
yeah, this is how a true band plays in my vocabulary at least, laughs. put a spark on that guitar plz! :) truly you can play with a guitar in so many ways. in harana style or in a dramatic phase like this one here. i'm sure it will be an attention grabber, just look and listen :) it'll make you smile, sorta :>. one memorable labor day for sure, just for this guitar player alone, winner!...then comes magical autumn, the falling leaves, with their very colorful goodbye. happy tho' sad in a way, for it's adios for now...until a new leaf of spring will sprout. but that is still ages in the future for comes Christmas first. i'm not complaining, just saying that seasons pass, time ticks as we move on...(^&*)...with our lives...(^_~)...
Monday, September 26, 2011
i see flowers and greens plus japanese :)
i love everything about japan. i can't wait to see Mt. FUJI :) their simple way of life, their virtues of not stealing and they are very stoic people in times of tragedy. i love their architecture in building their homes and their fabulous gardens. the best people on earth, no taken yesterday. my blooms at this time of year and the Japanese places we always go here :) and yes, our house is similar to the one here, ranch style with 3 bedrooms and a finished basement meaning 2 floors but the only thing is the basement is buried underground acting as a tornado shelter. thanks to God for sparing us for years and years now. the southern united states was devastated this past spring. houses hurled like matchboxes into the air and people as well. it's very sad...
and smoking is really a bad habit. you are just poisoning your own lungs and the lungs of those around you. i agree that the pic of ms. aunor smoking is not desirable...drug use, drinking, gambling, smoking, lying, pretending or not being true to anyone and to yourself are just undesirable traits...first, we are making the sellers of these products that we use richer at the expense of destroying ourselves or jeopardizing our own health. so ergo, are we being smart? i'm sure lots of us knew the answer...
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