Sunday, November 21, 2010

did you remember me

season comes and leaves, winter changes and becomes spring, summer will turn into fall, but as the falling leaves of autumn is here, you did not remember me at all. as i walked by past at your door, no hellos not a single song. as i flip the cover of my book, you were never there for you were lost...

when will i see you again, tell me. when will that sky breaks free, of its dark dawn of today. tomorrow may never come as we know. life comes and goes who knows, the sun may never shine again and it might be night all day. no stars, no moon, no sun to guide our way...

did we remember us to pray, did we remember us to embrace, did we remember us to be... kind and loving with eternal hope of spring. for life is moving on past by us, let's catch some of its thrill in our hands, let's try to make some marks and web some memories that will last...

for today is all that we not tomorrow which is still a dream that is hard to grasp...