Friday, April 24, 2009

fake flowers, plastic pens

i chanced upon a lovely land
of colorful blooms and transparent plants
i glanced upon a pen's stack
filled with different brands

i reached out to pull a stash
and grab one writing on my pad
the pen is made of plastic it's light
as it graced my nervous hand

the ink is black, the ink is dark
it leaked and stained my hand
the pen is made of plastic
it is not made to last

my eyes slowly looked around
and rest on the vase beyond
it's full of perfectly arranged buds
of roses in reds, violets and whites

i reach my hand to touch them
with excitement and of delight
but lo and behold to my surprise
it is fake without a smell and it is hard

the pen wrote of prose and poetry
but only for awhile
the roses looked good for a few months
until the dust settled and made it dull

fake flowers and plastic pens
go hand in hand in my eyes
they're just made for the moment
not for the long run in our lives

fake flowers or plastic roses
or illusionary pens in our hands
the joy is short term and not forever
as happiness will soon depart...

and yes, just in case somebody wonders where these string of words are coming from. let me came from plastic keyboards flying over cyberspace into your eyes, with you as the inspiration, you play that game so why can't i :) now don't let me elaborate bec. that is self explanatory. you should have that poetry or what? then i don't have to answer you bec. it is just, i repeat, it is just a string of words. now let me see yours, laughs. then if none can you make me one? :> not a poem or prose or poetry. i will settle for just a few string of words, okay? no copy cats allowed, let's make that clear :? and also pls. no bad words allowed as well. tsk! let me see what you can come up with, laughs. that would really be very, very interesting...i strung mine in 5-10 minutes. i know too long, but i am not claiming to be a genius here, a very valid alibi, laughs. oh well. i am just bored, i need for summer to come soon so i can garden again because blogging is not as good as gardening where you can smell and touch living plants and i am getting tired of blogging. i think it needs to end or stop but that is easier said and done and it is mind exercise although really i would rather go to the holy land than blog. i dunno, maybe i will stop now and that is a big maybe and don't count on it, as usual. but honestly why do we blog? jotting a memory, that's a good reason, i think so. that when we die, at least, we leave with a little something for people to know us, as to who we were and how our brain worked. i'd like to be remembered as one that made someone laughed, once. and i hope with me always mentioning God here...that the word God and His presence will be more known out there and with knowing Him it had changed one life for the better even a single one. yes, my fervent hope...even a single one...for that is "joy" as one nice melody title that i love and like :)