Sunday, November 23, 2008

God's candle, the candle of good :)

a burning candle

a burning candle of love
is what Jesus had for us
a burning candle of light
is His gift for us
lighting our way
through out eternity
lighting our way
till death comes

putting a stop
to the joys
that we have
putting a stop
to the sorrows
and the loves
that we gave out

young or old
if your time comes
young or old
you'll just have
to bid your
last goodbye...

and no one can ever put out the candle of GOD :> even if you are the DEVIL, the howling, puking and spitting devil, laughs. let's ask one seeking inspiration artist somewhere, your genius :) and airesol which means the air and the sun won't ever dare to blow out the candle of good or eat it and spit it out for that matter, laughs, for that is so gross, a no no :)

it's almost time for the happiest month of year...last pic was lifted from philstar, thanks :)

roses, irises and lilies
dressed in colorful pinks
bright and full of life
delicate delights

stamens filled pollen
sticky, sweet and golden
honey coated spells
aphrodisiac sticks...