Wednesday, July 20, 2016

for the good times...

it's over and done
the sun is gone
beyond the reach
of our sleepy eyes
beyond the mountains
hidden under the sea
at the deepest part
of that ocean

soon after dusk
the night will come
yes, don't say a word
about tomorrow
the stars will be trumped
their twinkle forgotten
the moon beams shut
without a light

stop and stay
for a day or two
and before you go
let's wrap our hands
like we used to
for the sake of old times
for the sake of the years
that we used to know

for the good times
for the really, really good times
that we had in our lives
it's gone
never to come back again
it's just sad... but that's life...

life is short, life is fleeting, but life is sweet nevertheless...