Saturday, November 28, 2015

it's not about us...

In life it is not about us. it is all about those whom we tried to help along the way in our life's journey. that's happiness unsurpassed. my registered charity here in the U.S. my way to give back after all what God has given me. we already started feeding the homeless. our website is in construction. my husband's death slow down its progress for I have to get some necessary paper works fulfilled. it is a registered charity done several years now and we want to do more to help others who are in need. i think this is just the right job for me after my nursing career :) and yes, there will be an aid a life philippines, like there is red cross every where. although we are just starting in a modest way, we dream big to aid others in life. maybe this is just what i need to end my blogging, maybe...