Sunday, November 2, 2014

somewhere in time

goodbyes and farewells...

well kept memories
well kept loves
farewells and goodbyes
we'll have a taste of that

days will roll
nights will drop
soon it will be over
one by one for all of us

bitter than a muse's farewell
tasteless as a prince's goodbye
licked by the winner, time
all flushed under the ground

slowly as a funeral march
80, 90 or 100 years past
some even sooner
life goes on like that

no one owns it
no one can hold it
no one will have it forever
for life is only borrowed
you'll return it soon enough...

that's the silent message of all saint's will say its farewell and goodbye like false magic that won't last...

somewhere in time
where laughter rides
eagles and falcons fly
propelled by the wind
under the sunlit blue sky

white doves are left behind
can't soar so high, up high
left without the dreams
wings without a flap
doves and falcons won't thrive...