Wednesday, May 20, 2015

memories of our love ones...

Frosted flakes in that window pane,
Sturdy stems of evergreens,
Wind swept shadows in my window glass,
Peeping softly and as silent
As my beating heart...

these shadows are our love ones visiting. my dad and my husband are on the same place on earth and in heaven now. Tito your wish has been fulfilled, you and manong Oscar are on the same grave. The longest days are the 2 days we waited for my husband's viewing in the states. I arranged his funeral services only less than half a day but here in the Philippines it took forever to complete all the paper works of him and his brother to be buried at Eternal is an ordeal...I thank my family, relatives, HS classmates, co-workers, our unit manager and friends for their support in my family's time of sorrow and despair.

we used to take the middle seats of the plane four of us. now we take the window seats. It is a torture to see your husband suffer after a debilitating stroke. I never expected this to happen but life is a puzzle that can only be solved with each passing days. we carry on with our hearts broken. we will try to smile in spite of the void, in spite of the tears...