Friday, January 24, 2014


the truth about happiness

it is not how other people treat you
but it is how you treat other people

it is not how your boss sees you
but it is how you respond to
what your boss sees in you

it is not how your friends deal with you
but it is how you deal
with your so called friends

happiness is hard to catch
but if you know where to put your bait at
happiness is just out there ready for you

and if you care to look up above
happiness is really you
for you are a mirror of God...

so take care of yourself so that happiness will last
and try to make each day a happy day Emoji all the time if you can
always remember that every one's days are numbered
so why not try to catch happiness as much as you can

it is also the one that you're looking at the mirror
every morning of your life, that's a start
happiness is really you Jo, don't ever forget that...(^_~)...

as the song goes... for the good times... always...

like a bird on a wire, leonard cohen

what's the use of those wings
were they tattered and lame
if one can't soar up in the sky
and can't dive with a stingray around
then you can kiss to be free, goodbye...

i tried to leave you, leonard cohen ensemble to the max. that's how music should be played and done. what a lovely man! ...isn't it at times we try to leave a life's circumstance, ex. blogging, our so called friends, individuals, or a way of life. sometimes we fail, but other times we prevail and win...