Saturday, December 7, 2013

there are memories made with music...

it is a fool's paradise, sometimes. it makes one teary eyed, die or live just for a moment or for a lifetime. it is a second language, a not so silent expression of the inner spirit. it is sad at night, playful or happy at daylight, fancy free in the evening. music is an art, a tool, or a gift bestowed to composers and to the listening public. it is where sorrows are drowned, yesterdays are forgotten and futures are planned. although it is a fool's paradise half of the times, it is also as serious as a beating heart when it tells the story of human lives, loves and the likes... so my question is what do my parents were thinking then when they named me after music ;? for i could be a rose, a mary, or july ;) ...mary jo, mary rose. yup, the names i like :>

fool's paradise that we make

it could be a dream unreached
a music unwritten
it could be a mountain unclimbed
or works undone

but it could also be hopes
or oceans' floors unswum
a sky so high

unconquered in our lifetime...