Monday, November 18, 2013

the divine presence

the colors of christmas...

it is not only ruby red like poinsettias
or green like sycamore trees' leaves
in front of our house

it is a kaleidoscope like a rainbow
making you smile through and through
leaving your heart aglow

ah Christmas, you make us forget
about hate, criticisms
regrets and lost loves

as Jesus brings hope, love
forgiveness, understanding
and the likes

to all of us who have faith
to all of us who believes
to all of us catholics & christians

in this world...

amen to that...i love Christmas. its spirit makes our world rejoice. it brings happiness, laughter and joy making us forget for a moment the hardship of life. what more could we ask for. it is a season like no other. can we just let the christmas spirit move into our daily lives...(^&*)... thanks mr. hayes for your lovely art :)... the divine should top everything for without the divine there is no life, there is no love, there is no you, there is no us...