Monday, January 7, 2013

gifts, visits and a new beginning

new year is new beginning
new path to a new life
new mornings are where new dreams
are made and planned
this visit is special
this visit is divine
this visit is one of a kind
for it is for a special holy child
a happy new year to all of us
let's give a gift to God
one gift that's from the heart
that has meaning that will last
joy to the world? how can we
after a gunman killed innocent children just days before christmas
it is hard to smile these days
joy to the world, we just can't
not unless we smile for just one second
when the shutter speed off once
the truth is it is easy to fake a smile
and no one will ever know that you heart is broken and torn apart
let them guess what's the truth
but only you knows what's up
so now we know that a smile is a curtain
which hides and stops what's inside
that's the ultimate illusion
a smile which is not
for better a fake smile than a pout
for who knows that a laugh might just comes out
but the true joy of christmas is Jesus
who holds the secrets of this life
we know that we live, we laugh, we die
and in between we grow up
we know that we care, we hate, we love
but beyond that we are at a blank
why are we here, where did we come from
still a lot of unanswered questions in our minds
in visits and in epiphanies
we come to open our eyes to who loves us
today, maybe tomorrow, for always?
truth is, love won't stay to some as love leaves us
but isn't it true that you'll soon realize their true value
when they're gone and had left you
now you will spend the rest of your days
in regrets, in amends and with hopes they're still in tune with you :)
our universe turns as days flip into nights
love is not true for it played into your heart
a playbook that will surely leads into defeat
as guitars will strum dark music instead of tunes that are lively and bright
and now who wants that...