Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This JESUS challenges me...

I am unaware, and He tells me: REMEMBER AND RELIVE… I am afraid, and He tells me: TAKE COURAGE… I am furious, and He tells me: FORGIVE… I have doubts, and He tells me: HAVE CONFIDENCE… I FEEL RESTLESS, AND He tells me: BE CALM… I prefer to go my own way, and He tells me: COME AND FOLLOW ME… I make my own plans, and He tells me: FORGET ABOUT THEM… I want security, and He tells me: I PROMISE YOU ABSOLUTELY NOTHING… I like to live my own life and He tells me: LOSE YOUR LIFE… I believe I am good, and He tells me: GOOD IS NOT SUFFICIENT… I like to be the boss, and He tells me: SERVE… I like to command others and He tells me: OBEY… I like to understand and He tells me: BELIEVE… I like clarity and He tells me PARABLES… I like POETRY and He speaks to me in REALITIES… I like tranquility and He likes me to be DISTURBED… I like violence and He says: PEACE BE WITH YOU… I think of revenge and He says: OFFER THE OTHER CHEEK… I like to remain hidden and He says: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE… No, I don’t understand this Jesus, He provokes me; He confuses me… I would like to follow another Master who would be more certain and less demanding. But I experienced almost the same as Peter: “I do not know of anyone else, WHO HAS THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE.”

so what's your choice?
a poem given today at mass at EWTN by the celebrant priest from Kenya...