Monday, September 7, 2009

a rare interview...

a CNN interview by Fareed Zakaria of GPS, (Global Public Square) has been nominated for an Emmy for "Outstanding Interview" this is an exclusive and rare interview of the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao...a humble, caring and intelligent man, it showed in this interview. i wish the Philippines could have the same framework of government. two people in power, here the president and the prime minister. this kind of set up serves as a counter measure for corruption for the other is the eye for the other, sort of... here in the U.S. we have a strong media, who often is the eye for corruption, a media that can stand on its own even if it is owned by a partisan person or entity like fox news which is the voice of the right, the republicans, as msn for the left, the democrats. CNN is bi-partisan, i think :) and btw there is no such thing as the silence of the lambs here, like you can pay or kill to have your wishes reign. but anyhow, i think in the Philippines, the president do not have anyone to check on him or her so he or she can pretty much run the show like the accumulation of enormous wealth as we've known to have occurred in the past or even up to the present? which is indeed very sad...and those that are not in favor of this kind of government like China, you can draw your own conclusions for it's very easy that even a child can figure it out :)
and HAPPY B-DAY to my beloved husband, soon :) WE love you so much :> thank you for all the things that you always make our lives easier, happier and safer :) and saya says his greetings as well, laughs. my husband loves this cat...