Friday, September 21, 2007

In Excellence We Thrive

We are numbered, classified
We are given so much task
By our own selves by our minds
To be the best in our lives
Long hours dreadful days
We can't sleep nor take a breathe
We worry and we fret
We want proof, we're the best
So in contests we enter
Beauty pageants or so far and near
We've strive to be better
Starting when we're little
Little ribbons with so much color
Diplomas with special notations
In indelible ink neatly inscribed
Telling you're the best in class
Then you grew up just like that
With beauty contest or so arrived
Awards of this and that
And comes that Pulitzer Prize
All over the world you're known
You're beloved and have won
All that kudos, admiration
Of fellows of all nations
Now what's next in your life
Will you be kind now or not
Will you use your fame, award
As a tool to belittle or mock
Or will you be humbled by it
Helping, loving your fellowmen instead
That when your time comes to leave
True admiration of you will heed
God will say you did well
You weren't twisted as hell
You became an icon, a saint
Like Mother Theresa, a nun par excellence...
And she was a recipient of a Pulitzer Prize like Martin Luther King Jr. and all others :) The best in all discipline are recognized here that even our former Pres. Bill Clinton wants one, and a Nobel Peace Prize too, if I remembered right :) Hope he gets it in the future, for he's very deserving in spite of the hanky pankies, laughs. My own opinion for I'm a beneficiary, a recipient of his kind act. The 'Family Leave Act' was instituted in his time in office, helping families like me with a special child to get time off from work and not lose our job :> Real kudos to him that I love him sooo much for it. Now that is some kind of an award to a person that God will take note and will recognize... don't you think?
And yeah I forgot to mention, pardon my elementary poems here if you pls., not an award winning material... but that's what you'll ever get in this blog anyway, laughs. Nobody promised you a rose garden here, in poems that is... so, may I pls. suggest that you look elsewhere if good poems are what's in your mind, alrightee? :> and sorry to disappoint you, btw. Oh well, really.