Sunday, September 9, 2007


Visions of you came in a dream
On that clear path on a white laced lane
Sun rays popped out over dark covered clouds
Lighting up doldrums in very sad hearts

Compassion abounds in heads that's warm
Just to take out and shun those bad ones
Berate all you want loud as can be
No one hears it for it's tough and melancholy

Tho' I've never meet you deep in my heart
Who's on my side, thank you very much
You made my day, you made me smile
You made me sing a song, I can cry

For your kind hearts and for your support
For your encouragement that's through the roof
Millions of words millions of thanks
Not enough to tell you that I'm very glad

Goddess of beauty so pure, so bright
Spring us those thoughts that bring delight
Cleanse our gardens with wild weeds and bugs
Sprinkle it with magic and scents of sweet love...

Hmn, my very simple elementary poems here are really very very different from those entries in some poetry writing contest, I noticed :) Really, I just let all my sentences rhyme as much as I can as you can tell, laughs. Tsk! I need workshops and more of it, I think, oh well... and I'd like to wear sandals in them like I'm in a sandy beach for more kicking inspiration. With that 'p' shape sandals for I'm really in search for poems, not sea shells you know, laughs. So what do you think? :> Gosh! very funny, but really not, for I'm truly serious about poetry writing and my only exposure to it that I can remember is when Jackie Onassis died. There was this touching poem by her live in partner err long time love being read by him in her funeral rites for all the world to hear. Although it sounded strange to me it was definitely a sad poem. Short, sweet and sad, yeah that's what it was. Now I wonder if there was that word 'soul' in that poem :) for I can't remember but maybe there was for Jackie was truly a sweet, beloved departed soul... sad that she died just only on her sixties if I remembered right...quite early to die for she could have lived past her eighties and that is a whooping 20 years more... cancer robbed all of that years...from her...and her love ones too...