Tuesday, July 26, 2016

the music must go on

the music must go on
in spite of the roughness
in your voice

the melodies must go on
even it hurts our hearts
and our souls

the stories must be told
boldly in a hundred fold
for that's how it goes...

the fact is rainbows are round so no one can ever find a pot of gold. it is a lie, an illusion, a make believe which is void of truth or reality. but we live in a world where lies and truth dwell. so we need God's help, His divine interventions to go through life's mazes of darkness and light. we are nothing without God, we are guided by our faith in the divine on this journey called life...andrea guerra, "to the game, touchdown" yes, we've played the game of life, some of us are losers, but there are also winners among us...(^_~)...