i thank you dearest mother for all the help...then & now...the altar of our mother of perpetual help at saint alphonsus church in windsor, canada...red roses, mine :) they are known to be symbols of love and affection :)
"to love those who loves you is only human. but to love those that hates you is of the divine"... a very nice quote that i've read lately. it is one of the hardest things to do but we must try to do it if we want God's love, if we want to have a light heart, always... and if we add prayer to it then we should be all set to take care of all the challenges of our life's everyday existence...
"God speaks to us through others for He knows the better way and the better route" ...as we realize that when we look back at our lives...
"life is about enduring" as i quote one lady actress. very true, be that of sadness, happiness or in between, until the end comes. in the meantime let's maximize the true fun but not the games. games are good for awhile but it's tiring and it won't sustain you long term. games are just that, games...
June 27th is the feast of our mother of perpetual help...i remember one vacation time the church was decorated with sooo many flowers plus those streamers above which i had snapped for eternity and posted here...below :)