Thursday, November 13, 2008

on the sunny side

the bottom art belongs to the master painter, Vincent van Gogh and the top is by J. Longacre, titled "sunny side" painted last April :) really, i do believe that most of us if not all would want a walk on the sunny side of life, always...and for more paintings that are eye catching, pls. click below :)

yes, to be on the sunny side of life is my goal everyday and i want that to anyone as well regardless of their own gender preferences. if two human beings of the same sex truly love each other and want marriage to solidify their commitment to each other, i will support them. i know that marriage since the very beginning of time is only for a man and a woman as practiced in our religion as well as of others but time has changed. romantic love is seen now a days not only between the opposite sex but of the same sex as well as there are gay couples who truly love each other as straight couples do. so let's be tolerant and respect one another. although i believe that never in my lifetime that this kind of union will be legalized for the majority of us still cling to tradition and vehemently oppose changes of any kind which is kinda sad. i hope that in the future their union will be recognized as traditional couples are and will be accepted and will be allowed to enter the sacrament of matrimony as well, although the hope is fairly dim as of date...