Sunday, November 2, 2008

colorful rainbow on my mind

come let's go
and play with
the sun
the only thing is
it's hot and it
might burn
our hands

come let's play
with the stars
the only thing is
their twinkle
might turn
our eyes blind

how about the clouds, we can hide
how about the wind that we can ride
how about the moon that smiles at us
or the ocean with its
warm water that can splash

or would you rather walk
barefoot on a beach
and pick up sea shells
as souvenirs instead
or would you rather
get dirty and dig
mother earth
to create a garden
to your heart's content

although did you
ever watch a rainbow
with its colors so true
plus that pot of gold
that's perfect for you
think of jewels and jars
of perfumes
think of mansions and maids
of your own

colorful rainbows are rare
like magic sometimes it's there
but the truth is it's bare
like a rainbow
the colors will eventually fade
like magic
the illusions will eventually leave
like a dream
you'll wake up to reality
that is not truly there...

but magical rainbows i thank you just the same
for you did brought a smile to me
to us although without permanence
just like love it can end
just like life it can soon disappear

although love will blossom again sometime
although life will be seen again in the birth
of a child
as days pass by
as time goes by...

now I'm really getting annoyed for itunes had put a stop for the music that i bought from them to be put in my blog due to copy right issues? they want people who listens to it to buy it themselves too i think, not being distributed or listened to in the www for free i supposed and I'm not happy, what can you expect. that is a very brilliant idea from them isn't it?