Monday, October 6, 2008

Anthony Bourdain...

is in the Philippines! :) the best food travel journalist, writer chef that J.C. and me watch, laughs. you can see places, get acquainted with other people's food or cuisine and it's just amazing. plus the poetic way he narrates his travel experiences, really a no match to anyone. i love to watch his show not bec. it's J.C.'s favorite but really it is just that there's something in it that you get hooked to, like beaches and flowers, sort of, plus music too, laughs. oh well. a very interesting man, i tell you that, one like no other. i'm mesmerized that i dream J.C. can have a job like that, laughs. maybe bec. of his voice that samantha brown, the lady travel guru couldn't resist mentioning him in her show, laughs. a cowboy guy, a life once on drugs? but he turned it around :> winner! can't wait to see his Philippine episode :) I've seen Andrew Zimmerman's episode, i think that was his name. he was eating estrange foods in Pinas, but Bourdain, i wonder what it'll be like :) better? probably yes, laughs, for i detest watching people eating worms and extreme foods, sorry Andrew. not entertaining for me and that's for sure. so viva Bourdain! you rock! but pls. leave the dog alone! don't ever eat it and i don't care about the feelings of your host, laughs. oh well. nicely done article :) love it!