Thursday, September 11, 2008
love always outshines hate
the heart is bleeding constantly
when they remember your name
their blood is boiling with envy
because you understand and care
sticks and stones thrown everywhere
can't hurt thy flesh can't kill thy name
for good hearts with good deeds
can't be ignored it'll always reign
the food for the soul is free and pure
the light of the heart is bright and more
the kiss of the lips is honey sweet
as the words in your book is a joy to read
for love not hate can win a battle
for love not hate can open a bottle
of fragrant perfumes
of savory spices
that fills the heart
that fills the stomach
that makes you smile
a hundred times
without a single buck spent
from your pocket
without a drop of sweat
from you body
without a bitter tear dropping
from your eyes so weary
joy is yours to see
peace follows
most instantly
as hate loses
as love prevails
and sets your heart so free....