Sunday, September 21, 2008

little things mean a lot by kitty kallen...

the intelligence factor. will it help you get elected as president here in the U.S.? John Kerry won all the debates against George Bush and you don't have to guess who became president. Hillary Clinton won all the debates against Barack Obama and you don't have to guess who is the democratic candidate vying for president here. it is a combination of all the sum of all the thoughts and preferences of the electorate and the majority made the wrong choice for the past 8 years here, just look at the economy for it speaks volume. just like love you know. we are blinded with something at first maybe beauty not character that turned out to be fakes just not that skin deep and not the real thing that will make us truly happy at the end. so good luck guys to our choices. but we have a mind that can add and can substract. so i say whatever turns you on and make you happy...go for it and never let them go or your votes go somewhere else...(^_~)...this just makes sense. happiness after all is knowing that we made our choices by ourselves. for who knows best and who knows us well? we, you and me :> so good luck to all of us :) and cross our fingers that we will make that right choice at the end with the help of God of course who knows all and knows best :)