Sunday, October 21, 2007

Miracle Indeed

Once in awhile TV stations report uplifting stories which is very rare as I observed and far in between. Yesterday they did just that. There was this autistic boy (same age as Michael, my autistic son) who was hiking with his parents. He was lost for four days in the wilderness. Fending for himself alone and with a mind of a three years old it is really by divine providence that he was found safe and alive with no injuries. That was a story that for me is worth my time. People cared. Massive search was orchestrated just to find this hapless boy and they did. Their efforts paid off. I'm not really saying that I don't care about news that depict carnage, death and suffering, but it's too much for me. My world at work is just that, so time out for me is required for my sanity's sake :) And if Michael was the one in that boy's shoes I don't think my son would ever live like he did. I'm happy for his family. God intervened and helped. Anything is possible with Him. I truly believe in that, just have faith. Miracle happens. It had in my life. I met a lady with a golden heart sent by God years ago, to help me then and even now. I'm very lucky. So I'm a living proof of a miracle happening in this world... :)