Sunday, October 14, 2007

Autumn's Falling Leaves

Like a rainbow falling to the ground
Different, colorful, full of life
Carpeted floor sparkled with shine
Caught in my eyes, imprisoned in my mind

Pinks, purples, yellows, oranges and reds
Still on ground quietly undisturbed
Sun's shine left, it dimmed the sky
All gone scattered, light out and died

Skeleton trees, no more greens no more life
Only bare sticks, barks, all dark and brown
Lost, gone and would never come back
Except in spring but that still far

Meanwhile I close and shut my eyes
Dreaming of bright days all through and cut
Rainbow like silhouettes, leaves of sparkle so bright
That once adorned and playfully colored my heart...
The top pic is mine, my cosmos bush, one fall season of the past :) I like it, rather love it :>