Thursday, April 5, 2007

Humility in Humans is Always HOT

FATHER ANGELO's favorite line in his preachings is this, "Because He is God and you are not" we need to be humble always and no matter what. Great, the best, the master of whatever discipline you're good at...that makes sense. For talent, or beauty is just God given, it will be taken away from you anytime if He wills it. So to be aware of this all the time makes all of us to be of notice of our nothingness or of our being nobodies :) Or just think the obvious that things have their ends either sooner or later. You'll be basking in glory today but you will never know if you gonna be crying tomorrow...sad isn't it? It takes away the fun, but at least you know where you stand. Just a mere human being, a small speck of sand, that can be blown away by the wind at any pls. don't think at any moment that you're 'great' for He is that, not you :>