Wednesday, May 11, 2016

the best card i've ever received

my mother's day card from JC :)...beautiful!!!...musical and colorful, thanks son :)...i taught you well :)...since age 8, no drugs... no smoking and no alcohol as the years passed by. but what i forgot to add is do not eat too much, laughs...okay fit bit, please do your job for he can lose some pounds. it is on the works ;)...yellow dandelion flowers... when this boy was just six, at this time when spring is in the air, lots of yellow flowers are with the lawn grass that are beginning to sprout. this boy picks a few and would run to me saying, "flowers for you mommy" laughs, :>

garden, flowers and the birds
it'll make your day not your worst
love, care and thoughtfulness
hearts made to burst with pride, laughter
and accomplishments...