Saturday, March 1, 2014

happiness is everyday :)

when you open your eyes
thanks heavens for another day
when you close your eyes
thanks heavens for another night

the ride is almost over, tell that to the 110 years old lady
who just recently died and closed her eyes for good
tell that to the drug addicts of our time
who continually snorts for a temporary high

who cares about tomorrow of course i do
who cares about the sharp tongued
the users without conscience and the likes
tell that to the past generations of our time

who are now tucked and kept
on piles and piles of time machines
where we will all go someday
sometime, sooner or later no doubt

that nobody can't deny
it will push its force on all of us
whether we like it or not
we all grow old day by day slowly
our skin shrinks, our hairs turn into gray

no exception
the young
the old or
the in betweens

but happiness is the spice
that i would want to put in my life
no matter if it rains or shines
no matter if it's hot or cold
no matter if it's spring, summer
winter or fall

no matter what the music is playing
no matter who is around
as long as God is by our side
no matter what time of day
or time of night

laughter and joy will overcome
even if the dark is here
cheerfulness will win
even how black the sky dims

for above the sun shines without rest
even if life is 110 years short
110 years lived, yes,
though short but sweet...

hope we all live up to our ripe ages, mine is 110 years young, i can wish can't i ;? shall you (^&*)...