Tuesday, December 17, 2013

christmas and the poor

the rich will think
of handbags and diamonds
the poor will think
more of food, shelter
and hopes

will the sun come out
with its rays tomorrow
or a dreadful cyclone
that wipes the earth
with its gale force wind

you'll be lucky if
you live in a country like mine
who will catch you
as you drop on the ground
who will guide you as you

stand again and try to walk the harsh reality of life...

although to be poor is not only defined in monetary terms. to be poor financially is truly a burden that only us that is touched by it would know first hand. those of us that experienced financially devastating problems will be humbled by it. those of us who rode that path hoped for a way out and there is always that painful path that points towards that direction. taking care of a disabled family member will send you to your knees financially. it is not shameful to be poor, what is shameful is to steal what is not ours and to live off of what we did not earn by our sweat and tears. although you won't fully understand what is really like to be truly poor if you did not experience it or if you weren't in our shoes. i'm glad that we have now a caring pope who cares and loves the poor for he was there in flesh and was exposed to it firsthand before. the time's person of the year, 2013...