Thursday, August 8, 2013

our holy mother in different takes of art...


in my childhood lots of years ago in the past i remember that at the sawali wall of our old house in the province was the image of our mother of perpetual help. since then lots of help came into our doorsteps and family through her intercessions from our holy Father in heaven. you just have to ask, pray and believe for anything is possible with God...and He always provide... i know i scare people of my faith but definitely it is not weird to love your God and your saviour. it should be in the top most of our list of to do in life...

God had spoken...

you wonder why the day will come after dark with the sun in tow
you wonder why there is a moon and the stars when the sun will bid adieu
you wonder why there are birds and mountains in browns or coated with greens
you wonder why there are steps to take in the ladder of our timed life on earth

you wonder what other people thinks behind those closed curtains
you wonder how their minds work in every puzzle created
for certain God knows all of these even our deepest secrets
sinners or saints, devils or angels no one can hide in God's gaze...

neither You nor I can resurrect the dead for only God can... only God can cast judgement to all of us humans for He created us... "let him be who without sin, cast the first stone" Jesus said once upon a time... if you think lowly of others, think and pause again for those whom you might have taken as the scraps of the earth are sent by Him from up above for reasons beyond your human comprehension to understand. you'll never know the reason of their presence, treat them well and have respect. for anything that comes from our mouth is who we are, anything that we judge others with will be used to judge us... as the pen is a mighty tool of benevolence but equally as well the pen is the cause of humans' downfall...