Saturday, June 1, 2013

sunsets & sunrises


belated 115th b-day philippines and happy 237th b-day america :) so not only humans celebrate b-days, even countries do but we call that more appropriately as celebrating its freedom or gained independence... above art the lower one is "impression of the sun" by betsy westendorp. the art above, artist is unknown. sunrises and sunsets are nature's way of waking up and going to sleep, or in humans, it's our death and birth...(^&*)...

sunsets and sunrises...

old age, golden years
young once
a babe

spring time
then fall

winter comes
quiet blooms

sunrises, sunsets
dark, the moon

dawn, the rooster
sings, light
the sun beams

daylight is here again
sunrise then sunset
that's life

live, laugh
leave, depart

even then
sunrises and sunsets
always repeat itself

for the new, the young
that we were then

all of us are in this predicament. just others think of the future while others don't. the young continually thinks that they will stay young forever. they often use their youth to despise the old. but the truth is all of us will go through old age, at least it is planned that way. but our Father up above only knows if you and me or all of us will have that privilege to be in these twilight years... but we can hope and pray :) and speaking of pictures, the camera could make you pretty or ugly, fat or thin, younger or older, laughs. cameras sometimes are not reliable, so that's why photo shop exists ;? i sure need that service, laughs. oh well.