Wednesday, July 31, 2013

a different kind of pope :)

if you once lived to be poor and deprived the experience can't never ever escape from you again. it will be ingrained in the fabric of your existence. this pope carries his own bag, live in a guest house instead of the luxurious papal apartment and also said, "who am i to judge a gay person?"...

i love this pope. he knew how to be humble in spite of his power. speaking of those that are of the divine, sister elisa is one special nun that comes into my mind, unforgettable. she gave me a blue rosary just like this one when she learned that i am U.S. bound to work then. i was an OR nurse in the philippines and she ran the OR department :) yup, some people are scared of religious people and have aversion for holy relics. maybe for one they are the agents of satan ;? they probably thought that people who tries to be living the ways of God and His teachings are phony in their faith. that is an aversion and a deal breaker to me, a personality revelation. for if a person pukes in front of a church and does not even have respect for God, His house and His religious symbols then it is a good chance that he or she won't have respect for you either, just saying. so better stay away from these weird people. i will from now on...(^&*)... the music is different, the beliefs are different...