"looks fade and dumb is forever" a recent quote that i've heard....so what is there to hang on to? love my friend, for if there is love that can't be bought btw you have it made...
the late steve jobs the former apple CEO was a very fascinating human being. what i like about him was that money did not changed him a bit, in the way he lived his life after all that billions. this was revealed in his authorized biography. so this book must be an interesting book to read. an adopted son with syrian decent who loves to tinker electronically, that is... and a college drop out but his genius mind changed our world no question. in how we hear music, in how we communicate to each other personally or in business. and that is huge...
overcoming the odds, where our president's life falls perfectly in place. what is there to do if everything is served to you on a silver platter. i think life is a real challenge to the rich than to the poor. why? for most people look up to the rich in respect for their high places in society and if you work in their company or business that adoration is freely given to you not truly earned. so it is superficial and we all know that...
the search for true happiness. it is hard if you are looking for it but it is easy when it is not your goal. just mix the perfect ingredient of being true, be always honest and be yourself. be accepting and be fun with limits. then voila! you've entered the happy zone :> plus happiness is what moves you. the beach to some, as love is to others. fame and beauty to you as sincerity and honesty to me even if you're a loser and a nobody, i'll take you :) see it is individualistic and it differs to each and everyone. like some may want their rice fried, while others boiled. i wonder what is better tasting, fried or boiled ;) yeah, yeah, yeah...it depends on what you eat it with. as there are partners that tick while there are others that don't so that's why we have divorces, separations and break ups, triple sad. but to sum it up, if you want happiness better be prepared to give it. that is the trick and the secret. my point of view btw and as we all know there are billions of us living on this planet earth, so that is just one take and i hope not to be considered of the dumb, laughs. oh well...
and my new year's resolution is to de-clutter this small house and do a general clean up project plus some backyard uprooting of plants... hmn, not an easy thing to do for i work full time. it meant that i will have to give up some rest time... that is very hard... but if there's a will there's a way... maybe a blogging hiatus will help as well, let's see...
in the meantime "talk is cheap but action speaks"...