Thursday, January 31, 2013

love defined...

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it... Martin Luther King, Jr.

love is like a rose with thorns, it will spike your heart until it is forlorn. love is like a peppercorn, it is black and bitter when you ingest it without moderation. love is that concocted potion that's totally mesmerizing when worn. but when you wear it long, it neutralizes until it turns into a dreadful poison. love without respect and trust is like a friend who bites you in the back. love can only be a miracle when it comes from God and the heart. it makes us soar into the highest abyss of infinite bliss. it makes us think that life won't ever end. it makes our days turn into a glittering paradise where there is no pain, no suffering and no tears. because love is joy and happiness. love is all smiles and pinks. love is like a rainbow that is filled with magical display of colors. love is giving, hard sacrifice and understanding. but in the end... true love never change, never makes you cry, never ever plays, never hides and never cheats. plus it's always there for you and will show you to the world... that is the ultimate proof of true love, ladies. otherwise it is suspect in spite or whatever reason your love could come up with for not making it official :) so you better leave and find someone else, laughs. oh well... so this is my valentine entry...(^_~)... hope it's a good one, but really, nobody reads it anyway, so there you go :>

love that is hidden is false, love that is a pretension is a farce. love that can't come out is a lie, love that is all these is not magic. love that is like this is definitely a play... so make it a challenge to your love, prove it and let's come out in the open if your love is true and he's really worthy of your love :) another take of love on this coming month of hearts... there are so many kinds of love and it is so easy to give it if you think about it. be kind, put on your precious smile. pray and have respect for your fellow man. life is short, let's discard hate and embrace love :) i know it is easy to say but it's very hard to maybe i can go for a really true blogging hiatus...blogging is like a smoking habit  i came to conclude. it is a habit that is hard to curtail, a real challenge. so if you win it, it is definitely a very joyous occasion...

God can open doors that no man can shut, and He can also close doors that no man can open! ...a quote to live by...

a colorful life...

as i turn back the years and reminisce, my life is filled with colors, less gray and black but more of the pinks, greens and reds... i was born in paco, manila at clinica lopez my mader said. did you know that amorsolo came from paco. this beloved filipino painter is a contradiction. his name meant one love but i think he had two wives, so there you go...

when i was young my favorite play is cooking time. with playmates, we used to murder the young gumamela leaves with a blade and cut them into slices for a gumamela leaves stew. i had no inkling that i am hurting the poor plant. now that i am a gardener in a lesser scale i really am not happy with that playtime. we lived in manila till i was six. when i was ready for elementary grades we went back to the province where rice fields are considered as wide gardens in my view. so for the next ten years in elementary and high school i am a farm girl who really did not do farm work but i am surrounded with chickens, goats, water buffalo, rice fields, trees and beautiful nature where our water supply comes from an inner spring well. very, very cool. we could have had a big farm and huge rice fields on my dad's side of the family but his dad my grandfather was sold with a fake illusion in the mindanao dream that is called the land of promise then. he sold the huge family land in exchange for a piece of the land of promise in mindanao. but lo and behold he was swindled and it is not true. they just took his money and gave him fake land title in mindanao. when he got there, there was no dream land. now all his children were left to fend for themselves...

well, i had a little brain if you must know, laughs. this might had helped me somehow in what will become my future life... i graduated valedictorian in the elementary grades and i had the highest grade point average in high school in that last grading period posted in that honor roll board out of more than 200 students divided in 4 sections. so after ten years in the province now i am 16 ready for college but with no money. here comes my mom's sister who cooks for a very rich spanish multi millionaire family in san lorenzo village in makati. i was told that if i can help her mop the floor, wash the dishes, prepare stuffs for cooking, clean our senorita's room and serve when their children ate lunch and dinner. so for a free place to stay while i take computer classes at manila data in cubao to be a computer programmer but that did not bode well. i am not a computer nerd. where are you steve jobs, then? so i stopped school and our senorita asked what happened. i told her that computer is not my thing. she asked me what would i like to take and i told her that i want to be a teacher which she did not like. she said that teachers, they don't make money which is a pity and then she suggested how about taking nursing at UST. and the rest is history. i am very blessed and very, very lucky...

so the poor, the middle class, and the very rich, i've seen them all... that made my life very colorful i think and gave me life's perspective. and now i live in the greatest country in the world... to be in what i am now i have to wake up early in the morning around 3 am to do school work. i have to do household help duties. so i sacrificed a lot... now it is time for me to live the life of my dreams... on the beach, on the farm with family, relatives and friends... in manila for a few weeks and in the states for the rest of the year. so i should be happy then you would think. but every now and then i am not for people look down on michael, my special, autistic boy and that makes me very, very sad and upset, but... when i think that michael is named after a saint that protects the kingdom of God from the devil, i smile :) we really do not know why our lives have its own twists and turns. sometimes you like the ride, other times you don't. but that is life with its spices of bitter and sweet... so we have to adjust to be able to survive...

God can open doors that no man can shut, and He can also close doors that no man can open! ... indeed :) ... if God wills it, it will happen for you as it did to me... thank you God :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

the holy family and friends...

taken by a cell phone camera 12-28- 2011 before new year then and a canon camera before the feast of the 3 kings, 1-04- 2013. same images, same place... i remember there was even a water feature or a pond surrounding it in prior years. you can hear the water drips then, very soothing...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

tidbits, big pieces and puzzles...

"looks fade and dumb is forever" a recent quote that i've what is there to hang on to? love my friend, for if there is love that can't be bought btw you have it made...

the late steve jobs the former apple CEO was a very fascinating human being. what i like about him was that money did not changed him a bit, in the way he lived his life after all that billions. this was revealed in his authorized biography. so this book must be an interesting book to read. an adopted son with syrian decent who loves to tinker electronically, that is... and a college drop out but his genius mind changed our world no question. in how we hear music, in how we communicate to each other personally or in business. and that is huge...

overcoming the odds, where our president's life falls perfectly in place. what is there to do if everything is served to you on a silver platter. i think life is a real challenge to the rich than to the poor. why? for most people look up to the rich in respect for their high places in society and if you work in their company or business that adoration is freely given to you not truly earned. so it is superficial and we all know that...

the search for true happiness. it is hard if you are looking for it but it is easy when it is not your goal. just mix the perfect ingredient of being true, be always honest and be yourself. be accepting and be fun with limits. then voila! you've entered the happy zone :> plus happiness is what moves you. the beach to some, as love is to others. fame and beauty to you as sincerity and honesty to me even if you're a loser and a nobody, i'll take you :) see it is individualistic and it differs to each and everyone. like some may want their rice fried, while others boiled. i wonder what is better tasting, fried or boiled ;) yeah, yeah, depends on what you eat it with. as there are partners that tick while there are others that don't so that's why we have divorces, separations and break ups, triple sad. but to sum it up, if you want happiness better be prepared to give it. that is the trick and the secret. my point of view btw and as we all know there are billions of us living on this planet earth, so that is just one take and i hope not to be considered of the dumb, laughs. oh well...

and my new year's resolution is to de-clutter this small house and do a general clean up project plus some backyard uprooting of plants... hmn, not an easy thing to do for i work full time. it meant that i will have to give up some rest time... that is very hard... but if there's a will there's a way... maybe a blogging hiatus will help as well, let's see...

in the meantime "talk is cheap but action speaks"...

Monday, January 7, 2013

gifts, visits and a new beginning

new year is new beginning
new path to a new life
new mornings are where new dreams
are made and planned
this visit is special
this visit is divine
this visit is one of a kind
for it is for a special holy child
a happy new year to all of us
let's give a gift to God
one gift that's from the heart
that has meaning that will last
joy to the world? how can we
after a gunman killed innocent children just days before christmas
it is hard to smile these days
joy to the world, we just can't
not unless we smile for just one second
when the shutter speed off once
the truth is it is easy to fake a smile
and no one will ever know that you heart is broken and torn apart
let them guess what's the truth
but only you knows what's up
so now we know that a smile is a curtain
which hides and stops what's inside
that's the ultimate illusion
a smile which is not
for better a fake smile than a pout
for who knows that a laugh might just comes out
but the true joy of christmas is Jesus
who holds the secrets of this life
we know that we live, we laugh, we die
and in between we grow up
we know that we care, we hate, we love
but beyond that we are at a blank
why are we here, where did we come from
still a lot of unanswered questions in our minds
in visits and in epiphanies
we come to open our eyes to who loves us
today, maybe tomorrow, for always?
truth is, love won't stay to some as love leaves us
but isn't it true that you'll soon realize their true value
when they're gone and had left you
now you will spend the rest of your days
in regrets, in amends and with hopes they're still in tune with you :)
our universe turns as days flip into nights
love is not true for it played into your heart
a playbook that will surely leads into defeat
as guitars will strum dark music instead of tunes that are lively and bright
and now who wants that...

gentle woman, quiet light...

a victim no more...

a whiff of wind had once gathered in my front lawn
perfumy sweet scent of the hyacinth in spring
and the fading roses at fall
i was taken, hypnotized and caught in a cage
where it seemed an eternity the night is too long
and all the stars are drawn

the nights had turned into dizzying days
as i was in a desert where water had left
the sand dunes are so hot my feet can't breath
prisoner of the wild tamed by the skies
when the rain had dripped the sky had opened up
releasing my chains from the dark and balmy nights

free at last to move on with the rain
somewhere along a river must be raging in
where i could paddle in life with my makeshift raft
navigating the mountains and the oceans so vast
my hands were able to row past and over the tide
as i reached the shore the beach is now in sight

welcoming me are the trees that can mesmerize
where the breeze is so sweet and the air is so calm
a new year indeed and a new hope in time
comes with it is a new shining path
freedom is great when your bondage is gone
relief is now what you see in your heart
dragging you into that forever shining light
for God is good and always, He's at our side :)

ART unsurpassed... wonderful paintings done by an all around artist named John Singer Sargent who lived a century ago. there will be no one else like him that can or will do the kind of art that he had done. it'll make your day busy for with all these artworks you'll need more than a day to browse and stay at awe at the brilliance of this man...