that is what patar beach is...lots of us are truly magnetized by ocean fronts as each of us has a story to tell. each of us has our own roads to travel. it is not how luxurious that experience is but it is how it enriched our lives in the process. we value our once in a lifetime journey for we all have one gift of life to spend on that journey. to others life is handed on a silver platter while to most of us life is doled out in cast iron plates. we all have our own devices, we have our own intelligence to help us wade and deter all the obstacles life has to offer, may you be rich or poor. you will be surprised that the rich and the privileged are not immune to the bumps of life. bumpy rides with drugs, drinks, booze and smokes to name a few and sometimes it can only be the waves of the ocean that can prevent them from continuing this grasp to these addicting habits. maybe for a short period of time, until that boat docks, then that body craves and yearn to have that one more fix, that one more drink, that one more puff... now guys and gals we know you are living life to the fullest but don't you think you could live life more fuller when your mind and body are free from these addictions? just a thought. pardon if i hit your road, but just saying it as it is...(^&*)...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
water paradise...
that is what patar beach is...lots of us are truly magnetized by ocean fronts as each of us has a story to tell. each of us has our own roads to travel. it is not how luxurious that experience is but it is how it enriched our lives in the process. we value our once in a lifetime journey for we all have one gift of life to spend on that journey. to others life is handed on a silver platter while to most of us life is doled out in cast iron plates. we all have our own devices, we have our own intelligence to help us wade and deter all the obstacles life has to offer, may you be rich or poor. you will be surprised that the rich and the privileged are not immune to the bumps of life. bumpy rides with drugs, drinks, booze and smokes to name a few and sometimes it can only be the waves of the ocean that can prevent them from continuing this grasp to these addicting habits. maybe for a short period of time, until that boat docks, then that body craves and yearn to have that one more fix, that one more drink, that one more puff... now guys and gals we know you are living life to the fullest but don't you think you could live life more fuller when your mind and body are free from these addictions? just a thought. pardon if i hit your road, but just saying it as it is...(^&*)...