Monday, October 10, 2011
music is truly magic especially when it's free :)
yup, memories are like flowers. they bloom in your mind every time you remember them...JC and me went to the ARTS, EATS and BEATS labor day festival in Royal Oak which is just about around 3 miles away from our house. we went last Friday and the weather was sweltering hot at 95 degrees but we went back again today, Monday, labor day here and the weather is like sooo cold that we have to wear our jackets. what a change of weather in just a very short period of time which is a typical Michigan weather :) but any who there are plenty of bands to entertain people more than 100 who played in this 4 day labor day weekend festival, one of the best festivals here in the USA which is being sponsored by big time corporations like banks and car companies. it was really a blast. lots of people, great food, loads of merchandises plus exhilarating music...I'm just gonna post a video of one for I'm tired, laughs.
yeah, this is how a true band plays in my vocabulary at least, laughs. put a spark on that guitar plz! :) truly you can play with a guitar in so many ways. in harana style or in a dramatic phase like this one here. i'm sure it will be an attention grabber, just look and listen :) it'll make you smile, sorta :>. one memorable labor day for sure, just for this guitar player alone, winner!...then comes magical autumn, the falling leaves, with their very colorful goodbye. happy tho' sad in a way, for it's adios for now...until a new leaf of spring will sprout. but that is still ages in the future for comes Christmas first. i'm not complaining, just saying that seasons pass, time ticks as we move on...(^&*)...with our lives...(^_~)...