Thursday, July 7, 2011
music... an art of the heart similar to poetry and painting...images are from the www, thank you for sharing :) bottom art is an amorsolo? not sure, but i love it :)...fernando amorsolo...a great name, though an irony, one love? he had two, laughs. oh well. one is not enough, i guess...(^&*)...i'm sorry he was widowed pala, so comes number 2 love. the truth naman ay people love so much talaga that maybe they need more people to spread their love, although i think there is only one true love, right?...(^_~)...
and yes, we only know that we really love somebody when we lose them and we try to get them back in our lives which is in contradictory to my philosophy of one chance...i am just idealistic not a realist i suppose...but in love you fool me once shame on you but if you fool me twice shame on me...for i will never let you, one chance and that's what you've got, just like life. we only live once. with friends and family too i am a believer of one chance...for i always remember the injustice that you did to me every time i see your face. i can be civil but for me it is not easy to forget, though i forgive :) if i am a good friend and you did not live to that i won't be your friend anymore for you lost your only one would i know if you will do the same things again, i am now very leery. like trust once it's lost it is really hard to is lost me strict but that is how i measure people in my life...(^&*)...and back to square were never a true friend or family or love in the first place for true people that really cares never let you cry, never let you down and always value you as a person and never ever will disappoint you in life, never...(^&*)...