Thursday, March 10, 2011

the Man who is larger than life... Bill Clinton :)

i just finished watching the MSNBC documentary by chris matthews on former president bill clinton, the 42nd american president, titled "the president of the world" the bill clinton phenomenon. there is no other U.S. president that i remember who was very dedicated, who cared and loved the global community than this man. with his CGI, the clinton global initiative whom he created after he left office with the goal of changing lives and millions of it at that he is a rock star in his own right, in humanitarian terms. i would never forget his "FMLA" family medical leave act that he passed while in office which helps families like me to be on leave from work and take care of our disabled family member without fear of losing our jobs. this only demonstrate the scope of his love for us working class here in the U.S. i can't find the you tube clips of this one hour program but i've never seen a show that had aroused my total admiration for a man. at age 54 after 8 years of being president his way of continuing his service and molding his legacy is remarkable. no one had ever made this leap of extending a helping hand to the global world be in eradicating poverty, seeking cure and distributing medicines to HIV victims in poor countries, helping the tsunami victims in asia and quake victims in haiti, going to north korea at the request of kim jong il, the president of that anti-american country in exchange for the freedom of two journalists who was captured by his army while on assignment in china with the charge of entering north korea as spies, you name the good work, he did it. president carter had a nobel peace prize for his humanitarian works after he left office and hopefully pres. clinton will have one as well in the future for he deserves it :) yes, this pic above is the younger president with his sign of love, for i thought you would rather see him in his younger years than now :) although for me, old age is a gift that needs to be cherished not despised or put down in writings or what have you for you forgot that you will pass that route as well someday. this if you are lucky enough and blessed enough to have plentiful years of life on this earth given by God :)